Mental Conception


Mental Conception

Vision is apart of preparation. The GOD of all Creation designed all phenomenally great things to start through a microcosmic state of development those later blossoms to its full potential. When GOD decided to bring salvation into the World, it was done through the seed of Abraham and birthed through a woman.

Who would’ve ever thought that the GOD of all Creation who inhabits eternity would take on the form of a servant being transformed into an embryo birthed through a woman igniting the master plan that would bring salvation to the human family?

It is written “Do not despise these small beginnings, for YAHWEH rejoices to see the work begin” Zech 4:10. The work begins in the mind. The scripture states that lust starts in the mind, is conceived then brings forth sin and eventually, death. If this is the case, righteous thoughts also begin in the mind and they will bring forth righteous works thereby bringing forth life. Vain Imaginations must be cast down according to the WORD OF GOD. So then, thoughts of purpose then must be built up.

Every creative idea and thought is full of purpose. This is why the influences that you allow to infiltrate your thinking are so important.  Your influences often trigger thoughts that contribute to your experiences and choices.

Your mind houses the spirit, the essence of your inner man that must be renewed by GOD daily.  You cannot afford to waste your mind and experiences with things that do not build your character for the many great things that GOD has in store for us.

There are exceeding great and precious promises that are in store to be manifest through the Salvation of The Messiah that awaits us. Your mind must be ready to become the person that will be able to utilize the gifts afforded to your destiny.

Our untapped potential is birthed through the thoughts of our mind. Are your thoughts bringing forth productivity that is purposeful?  Are your wasting your time and energy with things that do not profit? Are your thoughts contributing to your ultimate destiny?

Take time to think apart from the hustle and bustle of these busy days. Treasure your thoughts, allow them to nourish and enrich your day. Alleviate many of the influences that will not contribute your greatness and the fulfillment of your ultimate purpose.

*Scripture References*

Hebrews 2:16

Phil. 2:7

Isaiah 57:15

James 1:15-17

Proverbs 4:23

2nd Cor 10:5

2nd Peter chapter 1



The idea of classifying human beings by their physical features is not an ancient concept. Men at one point in history were grouped by their  native lands. It was not until the 17th century when Europeans needed to justify slavery and colonization thereby convincing their constituency that African People along with other groups  were inferior or less than human.

Because of this, the idea that people are classified by their skin or their ethnicity denotes the idea that one group of people are inferior or superior than the other.

Why are human beings “classified?”  Are we not all made in the Image and Likeness our our Maker? This is why racism exist across the world.  It is embedded into our culture,  our society, our world. The fact that the continent that thought to “classify” humanity has covered the world with their idealism,race will be an issue until the next Global initiative which according to GOD’s word, will be return of The Savior of All mankind, YAHSHUA the Messiah (Christ).

Until then, every human being is forced to recognize race.  In doing so it is done with the connotation that one race is inferior or superior and men will continue to operate as such.

So men will continue to justify their humanity while others will attempt to assume their superiority.  This is why we kill based on race, why we segregate our neighborhoods, our schools, our offices, our television shows and our cultures.  This is why we identify our differences and act upon them rather than expound on our likenesses, for we are the Image and Likeness of GOD!

The Offspring of GOD was never made to be “classified” but made to be the heirs of GOD’s Kingdom, the nephesh  (heb. the soul, living breathing creature) that holds the breathe that is inspired by the ALMIGHTY GOD to  partake of his divine nature, then to hold  the rightful position as the inheritance of the Government and Kingdom of GOD!

*Scripture Reference*

Revelation 21:7

Romans 8
Revelations 2
Genesis 2
Acts 17

Life’s Trajectory


A trajectory is a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory. A physical trajectory is a curved path which something takes as it moves through the air or through space.  The idea behind space flight, for example, is that if enough force is propelled onto an object to move it to a place where the force of gravity isn’t as great, the object can continue in motion.  A trajectory is determined by the projectile’s influence. The projectile is the object that is moved, dropped, thrown or even fired -like a gun or a rocket- and its main influence is the force of gravity.

A projectile’s path can only be influenced by gravity. What stronger force is there on the planet that we live on?  Gravity can never be defied, it has to be overcome.  The only way that a projectile to fly is to be lighter than the pull of gravity or to have more force to propel over the force of gravity.  The fact that an item flies does not mean that it contradicts the laws of gravity, just that it does what is necessary to continue its movement against the pull of the atmosphere.

Trajectory planning must be thought out, calculated, and prepared. Everything is weighed to determine the path and destination. The timing, the target point, the ability to avoid obstacles and collision makes the planning difficult but possible.  The most effective determinant in the trajectory of a projectile is what is called the “manipulator.” The manipulator determines the force behind the projectile and the location of the starting point of the projectile.

The path of a trajectory is never straight. Because of gravity and other factors like wind gust and the form of the projectile itself, the path is often curved. The path can vary in so many ways. The important thing is the beginning point and the end point. The main factor in a trajectory is that the projective ends up at its designated source.

In life there are so many avenues and directions that we are pulled in and so many things that carry us in directions that we don’t want to go in. If the road in life could go in a straight path life would be very predictable, and at times boring. Life however is a journey. Our journey consists of many winding roads, turns, curves, hills and valleys.  There are also obstacles that attempt to deter us from reaching the end point of our destination.

What we must rely on is the fact that the source of our manipulation is stronger than the forces and the obstacles that stand against us to prevent us from our purpose. The scriptures indicate that we were chosen in him before the foundation of the world. It is also written that those whom GOD has known in advance, he has justified and are conforming them into his Image and likeness. Because of this, ALL THINGS are working together for our good.  The “good”  indicates that  our ultimate destiny and   purpose of our existence for being joint heirs to GOD’s Kingdom according to the previous chapters in Romans 8.

  It is written

 “For I know what plans I have in mind for you,
says YAHWEH ,plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11 Complete Jewish Bible).

Our lives at times can seem so out of control because of the variances of winds, and obstacles that can seem to offset our journey. All these things that we face have been pre-calculated by the Manipulator and Creator of all things that are working for our good. The GOD of All Heaven and Earth, whose name is YAHWEH has ordered our steps and have set us on a path for ultimate victory. The path also creates in us a character of greatness and fortitude where we are able to govern in the Kingdom of The Most High.

Our problems, failures, anxieties, insecurities, past, present and future decisions have all been weighed out and predetermined before the Manipulator of our trajectory even set us in motion.

Every day we are set out on the path to greatness. Because of this, every day we must know that “All things are working together for the good to them who love GOD, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Rom 8:28

*Scripture References*

Ephesians Chapter 1

Romans 8

Jeremiah Chapter 29:11

This Blog borrows references from-

Click to access chapter6.pdf

Maturity (part 1 )


The Word mature comes from a latin word maturus which means to ripe. The root word ma also means good. The latin word marturs denotes ripened at a good time. The word is also used to mean morning. Mature by English definition is –

a having completed natural growth and development :ripe;: having undergone maturation

b having attained a final or desired state

c having achieved a low but stable growth rate
d: of, relating to, or being an older adult :
e: of or relating to a condition of full development
f: characteristic of or suitable to a mature individual

Because the word “maturity” comes from a word meaning to be ripened it stands to say that to be mature stems from growing and developing from a root. If we use the example of a plant or a fruit, anything that matures must go through a growth process that involves the participation of elements other than itself. The seed that grows must be rooted in good soil, receive water and sunshine that will contribute to its growth.

Every man must go through a maturation process. A man does not mature by celebrating a birthday every year, growing hair on his arms or getting taller. A man must receive the necessary elements in order to develop and mature.

It has become more and more apparent that young men in today’s’ society lack the maturity to make sound decisions for the benefit of themselves and their families. Many young men run from responsibility, lack accountability, work ethics and dedication. All are qualities of adulthood that are learned over time. Every man needs the patience to be able to make a commitment. Patience is learned through experience; Knowing and understanding growth, vision, taking advantage of time to prepare and understand various task at hand. Because we live in a world that will sacrifice quality for time it is difficult to understand the role of a maturation process.

Nothing grows fast naturally. The order our Creator set in place that is that greatness starts small and has a course. Over time we use time to grow and develop. When the time is right, all of our hard work and dedication that were incorporated into our growth will take effect.

When we look at the growth of a seed, its growth is not determined by the seed at all. The fact that a seed exist does not mean that it of itself will grow. How the seed is watered, and the nutrients it receives from the sun and soil determines its growth. A seed must be planted, tended to, paid attention in order for the maturation process to take place. In the same token there are many factors that contribute to the maturation process of a young man. His environment, his parents, his education, discipline but most importantly his decisions all bear influence on a young man’s ability to mature.

A man does not look for maturity, life itself ensures that every man to go through the maturation process. It is up to a man whether or not to comply by gaining understanding and wisdom to make the right decisions so that he might be successful in life.

It is written in the scriptures

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
1st Cor.13

The Apostle states that his comprehension and rationale were different between adulthood and childhood. When he “became a man” the writer states that he had to “PUT AWAY” childish things. This word put away does not remove as in forget what it is like to be a child or to remove any memory of behavior of childhood but the word comes from the greek word katergeo which means to render idle, make inactive and inoperative. Meaning the effect of his childhood whether good or bad will not weigh on the necessary demand of manhood.

Most psychologist resort to the childhood of an adult to find deep rooted problems. The ability to mature stands in the fact that a man is able to rise above any of the experiences of his childhood and render them powerless to the path of his destiny regardless of what things took place good or bad.

Life presents every man with the task to mature. As we age we learn more, experience more, increase in knowledge and become aware of many things. With this mindset must come the courage to make decisions based on what we know and learn and understand guided by Holy Spirit and the WORD OF GOD.

A man makes a decision to grow up, embracing what life has to offer and developing within life’s circumstances. The tears, the pain the laughter, and the joy all lend to a man growing up and taking on the character that will one day allow him to reach his ultimate potential and destiny.

*Scripture References*

Romans 5:4
James 1:4
1st Cor. 13

Motivation is a Choice


The Offspring of the Almighty GOD whose name is YAHWEH made us to be his offspring. Man was created in his image and likeness.  All other creation is subject to instinct and the specificity of instruction.  Animals are limited in thought and knowledge, angels who we often envy, are constricted by instruction to assist us, the fellow heirs of GOD’s Kingdom and if they go outside of that will they are relegated to outer darkness and chains.

Mankind, however is different. We have been selected above all creation to receive the inspiration of the Almighty that allows us to imagine, calculate, observe intelligently and think. Think for the purpose of making decisions. There is a word ra’ah in Hebrew that means to see, perceive, have a vision, regard, observe, consider, distinguish. This is the action that scriptures state should be done in the day adversity.

Motivation is not for times that you are happy or joyful. Motivation is needed for dark days. Days that you are feeling down and uninspired. The human spirit has been empowered to strengthen itself through the conscious application of will and determination.

Motivation by definition is the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. It is the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

Life in all it’s splendor presents times that we are often sad, lonely at times without money full of worry, frustration, anxiety and disarray. It is at those times when you have to rehearse the reason for your existence. A man’s life does not consist in material possession. No material item brought you into your existence. Your life was not financed or put on lay away. No material item set up your life therefore it should not the defining factor of your determination and motivation.

You are stronger, more focused when you are motivated. GOD had a reason for creating and you are stronger when you are compelled by his reasoning and purpose for you. Motivation pushes you, strengthens you. You must choose to be motivated. Because GOD has created man for the purpose of becoming Kings and rulers in his government nothing on planet earth has the power to be a deterrent to our ultimate destiny.

Our choice to be motivated must be concrete, solid. When we choose the factors of our motivation it will instill in our minds a will that can overcome any adversity; granting us the power to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in GOD’s work, with the understanding that our work is not in vain but is full of purpose and power.

*scripture reference*
Hebrews 2:4
1st Peter 1:12
2nd Peter 2:4
Psalms 8
Job 33:4
Ecc 7:23
Luke 12:15
Gen 1:26
Romans 8:28
Rev 5:10
1st Cor 15:58

Experience and Hope


What would life be like if we never experienced anything negative.  What would we have learned? How intelligent would we be? How in touch would we be with our emotions? What if we never had to work for anything, if we were never rewarded?  What if we would have never cried or felt lonely?  What if we could have dictated our own circumstances, chosen our parents, the place we grew up, who are friends and associates were or the weather patterns?

Our lives are positioned so that we can acquire the character that will position us for greatness in GOD’s master plan. The strategic planning of GOD that was foreordained before the foundation of the WORLD is not always pleasant nor is it always fun, it is however for our betterment.

What we have to do is trust the process. Faith is not just believing believing GOD will wait on us like a butler or a made to order blessing maker. Faith is believing that GOD is in full control of every aspect of our lives and has our destiny preserved for us. There are good things reserved for us in the Kingdom of GOD. According to the Apostle Jude, we are “sanctified and preserved,” meaning that we are set aside and we are protected for a use far beyond our wildest imaginations. Our greatness is not contingent on what we can see with our eyes, hear or perceive with out minds. It’s is written

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard
and no one’s heart has imagined
all the things that God has prepared
for those who love him.” 1cor.2:9

*scripture references*
Romans 5
Jude 1:3
Hebrews 11:1-6
1st Peter 1:4

Take the Stand


Every day of our lives is full of purpose. There is nothing that we do that is futile, useless wasted. Our thoughts come before the presence of the Almighty GOD who seeks to perfect the things that concern us.

It is written that GOD has given us a “record,”   This word in Greek comes from the word “martus” where we get martyr from.  A martyr be definition is someone that is murdered for their beliefs.

However, death is not a testimony of your beliefs but LIFE is a testimony of your beliefs.  Your life is a testimony, it speaks, it makes a resounding sound when your mouth is closed.   The decisions that you make, the people that you are associated with, the things you do, the means by how you choose to express yourself, your behavior, how you respond to adversity and how you react in good times stands as a record to things that you believe.

What does your life say? What questions are your life answering, what message is your life sending?  Does your life encourage, does your life edify or will people look at your life as a testimony of how not to be? Does your life send out warning signs are does you life admonish those that you come in contact with?

We are living letters. Our lives are testimonies that when lived right are written with the Spirit of the Living GOD.

Let your record show, and take the stand to testify of what you assure to be true. Let life’s dictation to be that of strong beliefs and a determined will, not by your fears, failures or circumstances. Every Human being has been encoded with the DNA of GOD’s image created to dominate and overcome every aspect of your existence through the WILL AND POWER OF GOD!

Take the stand, be the exemplary figure for all Creation to admonish. Choose to obtain the character that displays the marks of the triumphant manifestation of GOD’s power.

*scripture reference*
Romans 8:28
Ps. 138:8
2nd Cor 3.3
I John 5:11

Creation’s Motivation

There have been studies to show that our moods are effected by the weather patterns.*  There is something about a sunny day outside that makes us feel alive, vibrant and invigorated.  The sun is a big fireball of energy that provides energy for the Earth to grow and operate.

The Creator of all the Universe, The GOD of Hope whose name is YAHWEH created the land to provide sustenance for our mortal bodies to live from day to day.  Good weather is indicative of a harvest.  A time to plant, grow and receive.  A time to be productive, a time to get busy!

The GOD of all force, matter and energy could have very well made everything  to grow in winter where every day we would have to go out in the cold and grow our food as well as reap the harvest in cold agonizing  weather . No, he in all his wisdom allowed the sun the shine and the elements to compliment the need for our growth and development.

Once  the warm spring sun hits, it has a way of revitalizing us and motivating us. We want to go out,  hit the basketball court, the baseball field, pull out the grill, have a family reunion, wave at our neighbors or sit in the yard.  The weather has a way of expanding our comfort zone because the larger base of our habitat is more comfortable.

It is written that the “Heavens declare the glory of GOD; and the dome of the sky speaks the work of his hands. Every day it utters speech and every night it reveals knowledge. ” Psalms 19:1 (Complete Jewish Bible)

GOD has a way of invigorating us through his creation, making us feel alive and inspiring us to get busy in pursuit of destiny, calling and purpose.

 Our Father Abraham was advised to look at the stars and the sea to be inspired about the promises of GOD.  YAHWEH, the true and living GOD calls the stars by name and allows them to brighten up our nights. Angels are also compared to stars OF GOD.

Every day creation inspires up. Springtime is harvest time. A time that we need use the energy and inspiration that we have through GOD’s creation to be motivated, be creative, discuss ideas and strategies, make things happen, pursue the greatness that was instilled in the DNA of GOD’s Image.  Embrace the environment that GOD has allowed to spring forth and enrich your day!

It is written  “The creation waits eagerly for the sons of God to be revealed;  for the creation was made subject to frustration — not willingly, but because of the one who subjected it. But it was given a reliable hope that it too would be set free from its bondage to decay and would enjoy the freedom accompanying the glory that God’s children will have. We know that until now, the whole creation has been groaning as with the pains of childbirth; and not only it, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we continue waiting eagerly to be made sons — that is, to have our whole bodies redeemed and set free.  It was in this hope that we were saved. ”  Romans 8:19-24 Complete Jewish Bible

*Scripture reference*
Romans 15:13
Isaiah 42:8
Psalms 145
Psalms 147
Genesis 15:5
Job 38

This Blog cites studies based from the work the Dr. John M Grohol PSYD