

The idea of classifying human beings by their physical features is not an ancient concept. Men at one point in history were grouped by their  native lands. It was not until the 17th century when Europeans needed to justify slavery and colonization thereby convincing their constituency that African People along with other groups  were inferior or less than human.

Because of this, the idea that people are classified by their skin or their ethnicity denotes the idea that one group of people are inferior or superior than the other.

Why are human beings “classified?”  Are we not all made in the Image and Likeness our our Maker? This is why racism exist across the world.  It is embedded into our culture,  our society, our world. The fact that the continent that thought to “classify” humanity has covered the world with their idealism,race will be an issue until the next Global initiative which according to GOD’s word, will be return of The Savior of All mankind, YAHSHUA the Messiah (Christ).

Until then, every human being is forced to recognize race.  In doing so it is done with the connotation that one race is inferior or superior and men will continue to operate as such.

So men will continue to justify their humanity while others will attempt to assume their superiority.  This is why we kill based on race, why we segregate our neighborhoods, our schools, our offices, our television shows and our cultures.  This is why we identify our differences and act upon them rather than expound on our likenesses, for we are the Image and Likeness of GOD!

The Offspring of GOD was never made to be “classified” but made to be the heirs of GOD’s Kingdom, the nephesh  (heb. the soul, living breathing creature) that holds the breathe that is inspired by the ALMIGHTY GOD to  partake of his divine nature, then to hold  the rightful position as the inheritance of the Government and Kingdom of GOD!

*Scripture Reference*

Revelation 21:7

Romans 8
Revelations 2
Genesis 2
Acts 17

Encourage Yourself



Discouragement is the initial stage of anxiety, depression and mental fatigue.  It mostly comes to people that are driven, have goals and are motivated. If you are not looking to accomplish anything in life your disappointments are few. People often fear disappointment more than the fear of failure. The biggest failure comes from those that don’t try. We are discouraged when we do not see things formulating or coming to pass the way we envisioned or when something happens that we did not anticipate.

It takes work to fight off depression, anxiety and fear.  Defeating these feelings and thoughts takes a conscious effort. You are not entitled to happiness, it is something you have to work for. The scriptures states that our inner man is renewed daily. Our Creator allows every day to be new. Time is not recycled, so therefore we must forget the past and venture on.

Many of our most intense moments are spent alone, sometimes lying in bed before sleeping, sometimes crying in a private room, sometimes being bombarded by our thoughts. The reality of life is that you just cannot trust everyone with your problems and concerns. People tell your business, post it on social networks or sometimes they just look at you differently. It’s hard to find real people, people that you can trust and rely on and if you do sometimes you don’t want to burden them with your problems.

Any strong person must learn to encourage themselves in GOD.  If you encourage yourself in your own accomplishments and abilities, fear and sadness will overtake you.  No one exists on this Earth without adversity. Man’s days on this Earth according to GOD’s Word are few and full of trouble. No amount of money or fame can remove the existence of trouble. However, GOD’s word can bring you through any situation

Here are some ways to encourage yourself in THE GOD OF ALL CREATION!

1. You are not alone
It is written “no temptation that has taken you is common to man.” according 1st Cor.10:13.  The Apostle states in  1st Pet 5:9 that “the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.”  Many people don’t discuss their problems but the life of every believer is a testimony of overcoming.

2. There’s a Purpose for your Pain
It is written that the test of your faith produces perseverance according to James 1:3:4. Sufferings produce the character that will endure. YAHWEH who is the GOD of All Creation is building character through endurance according Romans 5:3. What is being formed in you is greater than what we are going through.

3. Perspective
The Great King David stated that he would have fainted unless he believed to see the goodness of YAHWEH in the land of the living. GOD is not dead, he’s alive. The dead can’t praise GOD; there is no life or power in the grave. Everything can change in one day. One thing is consistent is that the Earth is filled with the YAHWEH’S eternal glory. (Hab.2:14)

4. Hope
The Great King asked why his life seemed to be cast down. He began to say “Hope in YAHWEH (Name of GOD). Hope isn’t wishful thinking or being optimistic. Hope is the anticipation of great things happening. According to GOD’S word, Hope will not embarrass or disappoint you. It is written that “Many are the affliction of the righteous but YAHWEH delivers us out of all of them!” (Psalms 34:19)

5. Stay the Course
The last thing that you want to do is give up on your faith. It is written to hold fast to the beginning of our assurance.  Giving up is like rowing to the middle of the sea and stopping. You must follow the compass and continue to move. YAHSHUA (Christ, The Messiah) said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life! Broad is the way that leads to destruction. Narrow is the gate that leads to life, according to Christ.

6. It’s Bigger Than You.
Your ability to encourage yourself will increase your strength and put you in a position to encourage others.  The Apostle was told when he bounced back to strengthen his brothers. It is written that YAHWEH is the GOD of encouragement and comfort; who encourages us in all our trials, so that we can encourage others in whatever trials they may be undergoing with the encouragement we ourselves have received of GOD.” (2nd Cor.2:4 cjb)

7. Continue in Prayer
It is written that “Men should always pray and not faint.” Therefore it is only logic to concede that by stop praying you WILL FAINT!  The only way to receive the promises of GOD ordained for us since the foundation of the world is not to faint.  Praying is the process to build yourself up in your most holy faith. When David encouraged himself, He then inquired of GOD, the next step to take. Once he did that he was confident he would gain the victory!

We are more than conquerors. The Called out Ones of the King and Creator of All are compelled to prevail! So we must overcome in order keep the inherit and gain power over the nation and inherit the throne that was predestined for us before the foundation of the WORLD

Scripture References

1st Samuel 28-30

Job 14

1st Cor.10:

1st Peter 5

Psalms 34

Psalms 27


Romans 5

Romans 8

Hebrews 3

John 14

Matthew 7

Luke 18

Jude 1

Matthew 25


Motivational Hope


According to a recent Gallup, 70% of workers polled hate their jobs or are disengaged with their current job. The numbers show that although many of us are educated, and driven to pursue our “dream” job, the fact of the matter is, our jobs are unfulfilling and dissatisfying.  We were meant for more.

It is sad to go to college, plummet yourself in debt just to get a job that stresses you out or make your days long, or make you feel like your ideas or contributions or not valued.

The Gallup Poll stems from professional workers like managers, executives, officials, physicians, nurses, teachers, office workers, government workers, sale workers, and service, manufacture and transportation workers. Roughly 25 million workers were polled.  Out of that, 70 percent did not like their job!

Because of this it is very hard for a lot of men and women to get out of bed and go to work. Good men and women know they have a responsibility, they have to pay bills, put food on the table for their children, take care of things, put things in order, and make things happen. It’s a real grind.

There are 365 days in the year, out of those days; the majority of us are working for approximately 260 of them with the possibility of getting 14 to 20 days to take of our own time or because we are sick.  That is over 70 percent.  It’s very hard for us to stay motivated when we have to work harder to get more and grind more to climb that ladder. What we give and sacrifice for more money pales in comparison to the time we lose and stress that we gain.  It takes its tolls on us. At any time our employers can decide that they no longer need our services and we have to start all over again.

Ultimately, you can never be fulfilled from the “nine to five. “  You were not created to push pens, pull strings or take notes.  Your creative mind, imagination, talent and determination was made to exceed far above what you can ask or think according to the power that is able to work inside of you.

Your employment has no bearing on your greatness. You are not a failure because you did not get a promotion or because you were overlooked. We were made to receive the adoption into the glorious liberty of the SONS OF GOD.

You have a reason to be motivated, because The Creator is choosing his family to inherit the ultimate ruler ship in his everlasting Kingdom while they are in this present evil world. Every day GOD is conforming his chosen ones into his Image so that his Creation will be filled with His glory as the waters cover the seas.  We must continue to grind. Although we are underpaid and unappreciated, the steps that have been ordered for us are working in us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

 Health Care might be costly, gas might be expensive, and food prices are rising every day.  The wealth gap has widened more than ever before.  However, as long as there is a Creator and his purpose is instilled in us with every waking day that we live, we can overcome and endure anything.

We can  stay motivated, not my money, not by prestige but  by the hope of the GLORY OF GOD which will allow us to inherit, rule and govern the Kingdom that was created for us before the foundation of the world.


This article sights the following scriptural references


Gal 4:7

Eph 1:5

Romans 8:18-35

Gal 1:4

Habakkuk 2:14

Psalms 37:23

2nd Cor. 4:17

Rom 4:25, 5:5

Matt 25:34

This articles sights work from



Life’s Trajectory


A trajectory is a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory. A physical trajectory is a curved path which something takes as it moves through the air or through space.  The idea behind space flight, for example, is that if enough force is propelled onto an object to move it to a place where the force of gravity isn’t as great, the object can continue in motion.  A trajectory is determined by the projectile’s influence. The projectile is the object that is moved, dropped, thrown or even fired -like a gun or a rocket- and its main influence is the force of gravity.

A projectile’s path can only be influenced by gravity. What stronger force is there on the planet that we live on?  Gravity can never be defied, it has to be overcome.  The only way that a projectile to fly is to be lighter than the pull of gravity or to have more force to propel over the force of gravity.  The fact that an item flies does not mean that it contradicts the laws of gravity, just that it does what is necessary to continue its movement against the pull of the atmosphere.

Trajectory planning must be thought out, calculated, and prepared. Everything is weighed to determine the path and destination. The timing, the target point, the ability to avoid obstacles and collision makes the planning difficult but possible.  The most effective determinant in the trajectory of a projectile is what is called the “manipulator.” The manipulator determines the force behind the projectile and the location of the starting point of the projectile.

The path of a trajectory is never straight. Because of gravity and other factors like wind gust and the form of the projectile itself, the path is often curved. The path can vary in so many ways. The important thing is the beginning point and the end point. The main factor in a trajectory is that the projective ends up at its designated source.

In life there are so many avenues and directions that we are pulled in and so many things that carry us in directions that we don’t want to go in. If the road in life could go in a straight path life would be very predictable, and at times boring. Life however is a journey. Our journey consists of many winding roads, turns, curves, hills and valleys.  There are also obstacles that attempt to deter us from reaching the end point of our destination.

What we must rely on is the fact that the source of our manipulation is stronger than the forces and the obstacles that stand against us to prevent us from our purpose. The scriptures indicate that we were chosen in him before the foundation of the world. It is also written that those whom GOD has known in advance, he has justified and are conforming them into his Image and likeness. Because of this, ALL THINGS are working together for our good.  The “good”  indicates that  our ultimate destiny and   purpose of our existence for being joint heirs to GOD’s Kingdom according to the previous chapters in Romans 8.

  It is written

 “For I know what plans I have in mind for you,
says YAHWEH ,plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11 Complete Jewish Bible).

Our lives at times can seem so out of control because of the variances of winds, and obstacles that can seem to offset our journey. All these things that we face have been pre-calculated by the Manipulator and Creator of all things that are working for our good. The GOD of All Heaven and Earth, whose name is YAHWEH has ordered our steps and have set us on a path for ultimate victory. The path also creates in us a character of greatness and fortitude where we are able to govern in the Kingdom of The Most High.

Our problems, failures, anxieties, insecurities, past, present and future decisions have all been weighed out and predetermined before the Manipulator of our trajectory even set us in motion.

Every day we are set out on the path to greatness. Because of this, every day we must know that “All things are working together for the good to them who love GOD, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Rom 8:28

*Scripture References*

Ephesians Chapter 1

Romans 8

Jeremiah Chapter 29:11

This Blog borrows references from-


Click to access chapter6.pdf

Maturity (part 1 )


The Word mature comes from a latin word maturus which means to ripe. The root word ma also means good. The latin word marturs denotes ripened at a good time. The word is also used to mean morning. Mature by English definition is –

a having completed natural growth and development :ripe;: having undergone maturation

b having attained a final or desired state

c having achieved a low but stable growth rate
d: of, relating to, or being an older adult :
e: of or relating to a condition of full development
f: characteristic of or suitable to a mature individual

Because the word “maturity” comes from a word meaning to be ripened it stands to say that to be mature stems from growing and developing from a root. If we use the example of a plant or a fruit, anything that matures must go through a growth process that involves the participation of elements other than itself. The seed that grows must be rooted in good soil, receive water and sunshine that will contribute to its growth.

Every man must go through a maturation process. A man does not mature by celebrating a birthday every year, growing hair on his arms or getting taller. A man must receive the necessary elements in order to develop and mature.

It has become more and more apparent that young men in today’s’ society lack the maturity to make sound decisions for the benefit of themselves and their families. Many young men run from responsibility, lack accountability, work ethics and dedication. All are qualities of adulthood that are learned over time. Every man needs the patience to be able to make a commitment. Patience is learned through experience; Knowing and understanding growth, vision, taking advantage of time to prepare and understand various task at hand. Because we live in a world that will sacrifice quality for time it is difficult to understand the role of a maturation process.

Nothing grows fast naturally. The order our Creator set in place that is that greatness starts small and has a course. Over time we use time to grow and develop. When the time is right, all of our hard work and dedication that were incorporated into our growth will take effect.

When we look at the growth of a seed, its growth is not determined by the seed at all. The fact that a seed exist does not mean that it of itself will grow. How the seed is watered, and the nutrients it receives from the sun and soil determines its growth. A seed must be planted, tended to, paid attention in order for the maturation process to take place. In the same token there are many factors that contribute to the maturation process of a young man. His environment, his parents, his education, discipline but most importantly his decisions all bear influence on a young man’s ability to mature.

A man does not look for maturity, life itself ensures that every man to go through the maturation process. It is up to a man whether or not to comply by gaining understanding and wisdom to make the right decisions so that he might be successful in life.

It is written in the scriptures

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
1st Cor.13

The Apostle states that his comprehension and rationale were different between adulthood and childhood. When he “became a man” the writer states that he had to “PUT AWAY” childish things. This word put away does not remove as in forget what it is like to be a child or to remove any memory of behavior of childhood but the word comes from the greek word katergeo which means to render idle, make inactive and inoperative. Meaning the effect of his childhood whether good or bad will not weigh on the necessary demand of manhood.

Most psychologist resort to the childhood of an adult to find deep rooted problems. The ability to mature stands in the fact that a man is able to rise above any of the experiences of his childhood and render them powerless to the path of his destiny regardless of what things took place good or bad.

Life presents every man with the task to mature. As we age we learn more, experience more, increase in knowledge and become aware of many things. With this mindset must come the courage to make decisions based on what we know and learn and understand guided by Holy Spirit and the WORD OF GOD.

A man makes a decision to grow up, embracing what life has to offer and developing within life’s circumstances. The tears, the pain the laughter, and the joy all lend to a man growing up and taking on the character that will one day allow him to reach his ultimate potential and destiny.

*Scripture References*

Romans 5:4
James 1:4
1st Cor. 13

Motivation is a Choice


The Offspring of the Almighty GOD whose name is YAHWEH made us to be his offspring. Man was created in his image and likeness.  All other creation is subject to instinct and the specificity of instruction.  Animals are limited in thought and knowledge, angels who we often envy, are constricted by instruction to assist us, the fellow heirs of GOD’s Kingdom and if they go outside of that will they are relegated to outer darkness and chains.

Mankind, however is different. We have been selected above all creation to receive the inspiration of the Almighty that allows us to imagine, calculate, observe intelligently and think. Think for the purpose of making decisions. There is a word ra’ah in Hebrew that means to see, perceive, have a vision, regard, observe, consider, distinguish. This is the action that scriptures state should be done in the day adversity.

Motivation is not for times that you are happy or joyful. Motivation is needed for dark days. Days that you are feeling down and uninspired. The human spirit has been empowered to strengthen itself through the conscious application of will and determination.

Motivation by definition is the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. It is the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

Life in all it’s splendor presents times that we are often sad, lonely at times without money full of worry, frustration, anxiety and disarray. It is at those times when you have to rehearse the reason for your existence. A man’s life does not consist in material possession. No material item brought you into your existence. Your life was not financed or put on lay away. No material item set up your life therefore it should not the defining factor of your determination and motivation.

You are stronger, more focused when you are motivated. GOD had a reason for creating and you are stronger when you are compelled by his reasoning and purpose for you. Motivation pushes you, strengthens you. You must choose to be motivated. Because GOD has created man for the purpose of becoming Kings and rulers in his government nothing on planet earth has the power to be a deterrent to our ultimate destiny.

Our choice to be motivated must be concrete, solid. When we choose the factors of our motivation it will instill in our minds a will that can overcome any adversity; granting us the power to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in GOD’s work, with the understanding that our work is not in vain but is full of purpose and power.

*scripture reference*
Hebrews 2:4
1st Peter 1:12
2nd Peter 2:4
Psalms 8
Job 33:4
Ecc 7:23
Luke 12:15
Gen 1:26
Romans 8:28
Rev 5:10
1st Cor 15:58

Uncle Donnie, D.C., The Church and the World.

Recently, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray rejected gospel artist Donnie McClurkin from  performing at  an event called the “Reflections on Peace: Gandhi to King” celebration.  The event was a commemorative concert to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.

Mayor Vincent  stated  “This was  an issue involving a potential controversy at an event that was going to focus on harmony and peace, and we just didn’t think that was appropriate for this event.”

Donnie McClurkin released a video stating that he felt like he was “bullied” and that the cancellation was a ” “disservice to the D.C. faith-based community.”

Since the passing of various State laws that allow same-sex marriages, many religious leaders have publicly denounced the practice of homosexuality both in the pulpit of their congregations and in public arenas and venues.

Donnie McClurkin, a self proclaimed “ex-gay” has been extremely vocal about homosexuality and has had alter calls for men and women to overcome the behavior that he has openly confessed to.  There are many who are condemning homosexuals to hell and are saying that A.I.D.S. is judgment against the practice, even though it is not exclusive to gay men and women. Many often point to scriptures like Romans chapter 1 verses 26-27 as they are 100 percent right in doing so, where the Apostle references homosexuality stating

“For this  cause GOD gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one with another; men with men working that which is unseemly.”

Many have taken this verse and have expressed it with such passion towards men and women who have chosen a lifestyle that is against what the scriptures speak against.

The WORD OF GOD is true, it is infallible, complete and whole. GOD’s word is not a buffet or a smorgasbord.  GOD’s word is not a menu that allows us to pick and choose what we can be vociferous about and what to be silent about.  The scripture states that there is “One YAHWEH, One Faith, and One Baptism (Eph 4:5)

So many  read Romans 1 verse but fail to mention verses 29-32 that mention “covetousness, maliciousness, envy, debate, proud, boasters, disobedient to parents and FORNICATORS!!!!” 

There are many that  are quick and adamant in expressing  anger and dissent against homosexuals but will allow men and women to continue practices of fornication throughout the churches and are admitted adulterers and adulteresses.

Donnie McClurkin has had a daughter without being married since he has been a Pastor. I’ve seen Donnie Macurkin in various venues and concerts but I’ve never seen him advocate or speak publicly against that type of  “lifestyle” with the same passion and anger concerning that portion of GOD’s word that speaks against those practices

If you are going to take a stance against one part take a stance against it all. Where was Donnie McClurkin when it came down to Eddie Long? Where is his fornication or adultery prayer line?  Stand for the totality of the WORD of GOD and not the portion that you feel strongly against.

I can’t say I blame Mayor Gray for his decision. Could it have been handled better? Yes. Do I blame him? No.  Believers have to learn to be mature about  the separation of “Church and State.”  If you want the State to get involved with religion, you are opening the door for the State to tax you, shut down your churches, and even  persecute you for your beliefs.

The Church is an exclusive fraternity, hand picked and selected by the foreknowledge of GOD to one day reign in his Eternal Kingdom.  Even though there are things that we don’t agree with or condone, it is not our job to cast judgement among those that do not  share our beliefs.  It is written that judgement “Must begin at the House of GOD.” (1st Peter 4:17). The House of GOD according to Timothy is the Church of the Living GOD. (1st Timothy 3:15)

There were  Christian believers in the book of Colossians that were observing the Sabbath, Festivals and Holy Days written in the scriptures. The Jews that did not believe in Christ were judging them form not performing many of the rabbinical Sabbath  traditions.  The Apostle quickly told them not to let any man judge the Church in our beliefs stating “don’t let anyone pass judgement on you in CONNECTION with eating and drinking or in regard to a Jewish festivals or New Moon or Sabbaths. These are a shadow of things that are coming but the body is  of the Messiah!”(Col.3:16)

The Fraternal Order of the church must be extremely judgmental concerning the church, seeing that one day we will be the functioning body that will be used to judge the world and Angels according to the gospel. Anyone within the gates of Israel were obligated to observe it’s guidelines, anyone outside was not.  Therefore, anyone who is not a confessing believer, not apart of the Church and it not showing any fruits of repentance does not warrant the Church’s judgment.

The Apostle states concerning fornicators – “For what business is it of mine to judge outsiders? Isn’t it those who apart of the [CHURCH]  that you should be judging? GOD will judge those who are outside.” (1st Cor.5:12-13 CJB)

Every citizen deserves rights of citizenship regardless of our convictions. Believers have a right to judge anyone that has committed to the gospel of salvation and repentance and hold them accountable for their actions.  Anyone  outside the Church whom GOD has not called at this time to his salvation are owed the grace of GOD, the good news about his kingdom and the right to make their decisions.

It is written to ” I counsel that petitions, prayers intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all human beings including kings and in all positions of prominence; so that WE may lead quiet and peaceful lives, being godly and upright in everything.” 1st Tim.2:1 (CJB)

Everyone has the right to choose their lives and the believers must pray for everyone and be an example and a living epistle of the unspeakable and glorious joy that resides in us. Men know who we are by our love, not our hate and anger.

Too many believers are looking for the world to support them, and make them relevant.  The Believer is in the World but not of it. We shouldn’t beg for the World to admonish us and then get mad when they stab us in the back they pat us on. IT’S THE WORLD! ALL THAT IS IN THE WORLD IS THE LUST OF THE EYE, THE LUST OF THE FLESH AND THE PRIDE OF LIVE!” 1st John 2:16 The world does not owe the church their honesty and integrity and  whining on social medias is not going to do anything to move them.  It is what it is.

Mayor Gray exercised his prerogative in making a decision that he felt was best for his community, not just one part of it but the whole of his community. The Church, has much more concerns than performances and concerts but to  understand the unity of the faith, the truth that is in the WORD OF GOD and hurling out  that gospel that can  transform our minds save us to the uttermost.

Elder Parker

This Article references Scriptures

1st Peter 1:8

1st Cor.6:13

John 15:19

1st Peter chapter 1.

Exodus 20

website –



To be a Father, it does not require a credit application or a test. There are no character assessments that are needed and you don’t have to qualify to bring a child into the world. The way our Creator designed us is that once we are at a certain age and we have a willing participant we can reproduce the image and likeness of GOD.

GOD never created man to be a man. He created man to be like GOD. He designed the woman to help the man, and in that they would be heirs together to his Kingdom according to the grace of life.

It is written that the way of a man is not in him, we don’t have within our selves to direct his steps. GOD never designed man to learn how to evolve, grow and develop without his supervision. Man didn’t need an instruction manual he had direct fellowship with his maker to learn while having the vast creation to experience.

The first man Adam, left his Father. GOD provided for him in every way. Adam didn’t have to earn credit to buy a house or a mortgage. Adam didn’t need a diploma or a college degree. GOD placed in the right position to succeed without alleviating Adam’s choices. Adam was given the choice to obey or not obey. GOD was the perfect Father. Adam however was not the perfect son.

Fatherhood is about yielding to our Creator for guidance for our families to position our children to succeed. We cannot choose for our children, we cannot hide them from negative experiences or the pain that is in this age. We ensure that while that like our Father, we are committed to instruct them, guide them and protect them.

It is written that “there is a way that seems right to a man but the end are the ways of death.” (Proverbs 14:12). If we had all the answers to every question as men, being a Father would be easy. As men, we are always trying to find our niche’. What works and what doesn’t based on our character, determination and circumstances. When we think we have it, we look to share the information for the preservation of our future generations in spite of our past mistakes. Regardless of what we teach our children about life, and love, and happiness nothing that we teach them about life will grant them the opportunity to reach the hope and destiny that they were created for if we are guiding our homes with the weak wisdom of selfish experiences. The only way to successfully guide our homes is to ensure that Christ is our head and that we are pursuing the crown that is laid up for us.

It takes Faith to provide for a family. The scriptures declare that if you do not you have denied the faith. To teach a young man or a young woman their hope, you will give them the proper perspective needed to overcome any negative experience that awaits them in this present evil age.

A good Father is not a rich father, a bad father is not a poor father. A good Father leaves for his children an inheritance according to the WORD OF GOD. The best inheritance that you can leave your children is the character that will allow them to inherit all things according to the WORD OF GOD.

What can we teach them? The faith of GOD that will allow them to acquire the victory. Faith will allow them to overcome in this life that is full of disappointments. It is “the victory that allows us to overcome is our faith.”
It is written “He that overcometh shall inherit ALL THINGS, and I will be his GOD and he shall by my son!” – Rev 21:7

Gen. 1:26-28,32:29

Gen. 3


Proverbs 14

1st Cor. 11

Proverbs 13:22

Revelations 3:21, 21:7

The Fighter Within You

Within our natural bodies there is a systematic organization of cells, tissues and organs that is called the immune system. The GOD of all creation, whose name is YAHWEH that formed man from the dust of the grounded, created within him a group that would identify harmful bacteria that enters our body, produces special cells to eliminate the effects of the harmful bacteria and then neutralize the bacteria.
Most of the things that harm us are from within. GOD has not given us the spirit of fear but a powerful spirit filled with love and sobriety. However within our flesh there is no good thing.  
Many of our fears, insecurities and anxieties are within. We fear problems that have the potential to bring about undesirable outcomes for our future.  
The word of YAHSHUA, (Christ, Messiah) stated

“From within, out of a person’s heart comes forth wicked thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, indecency, envy, slander, arrogance  foolishness” – Mark 7:19-24 Complete Jewish Bible 

It can be very discouraging and defeating looking at our lives and seeing the people that we have become. Our thoughts are often the sum of negative experiences that promote  fear and prevent us from taking the steps  to acquire the character needed to reach our ultimate potential and fulfill the purpose we have been  created for.
It is written –

“For I know that there is nothing good housed within me”  Rom.7:18 Complete Jewish Bible

Just like our immune system, within the spirit of man has a direct compatibility with the Spirit of GOD that will identify the negative characteristics and experiences that we have and create in our the ability to neutralize the effects of all the negative experiences that we have in our past and the ones we will have in our future.
The Spirit OF GOD inspires us. Within us is a will to do right, to persevere, to overcome because of the fact that we have a fighting prevailing spirit that is based off the Image and Likeness of GOD who created us.
Because  our nature is full of sin and failures it takes the support of GOD ALMIGHTY to ignite the champion that triumphs from within. 
Because there are failures within, there is also within us a fighter. Demonstrated by our immune system, we can identify problems, create solutions and neutralize them so that we are victorious in every aspect of our lives.
To believe that we can live a life without adversity is a fantasy. It will never happen. Yet we must channel the fighter within us to stand against adversity and be strong in the POWER OF YAHWEH’s might!
Every day is a fight to become the King we were created to be. Every day we must anticipate victory. Every day we must look to be triumphant. It is through our Messiah that we will triumph!
*Scripture References*

  • 2 Timothy 1:7
  • Romans chapter 7
  • Romans 8:16
  • Job 32:8
  • Gen.1:26
  • 2nd Peter 1:4
  • 1st Cor 15:57
  • 2nd Cor 2:14