The Right Fight?

One could make the argument, that the current climate in the United States has the feel of an imminent social attack on the African-American Identity and Culture. When viewing the statistical data that reflects the enormous amount of crime, imprisonment, police brutality and poverty in various urban African-American communities, Africa-Americans cannot afford to take their rights for granted. Every African-American citizen must consider every aspect of their existence in this country. Not only, should African-Americans evaluate their politics but also assess their faith, family values, finances and future.

Source: The Right Fight?

The Miraculous Process


Every great accomplishment must incorporate the element of time.  Growth and development do not happen overnight.  A child does not grow overnight, a plant does not go into the ground as seed and by the next day grow into a tall tree.  Time and seasons are things that GOD uses to implement change.

Creation tells us that change and growth are the applications of a gradual process that GOD utilizes to bring about the purpose of his will.[1]

GOD has an eternal purpose for his offspring[2].  The agenda of which was ordained from the foundation of the world. No one, however, can fulfill their calling simply by existing from day to day. Instead, through consistent growth and development into the stature and maturity that was predestinated by the purpose that GOD has instilled in us.

Every day we live we have a purpose. Nothing we go through, nothing we experience is ever wasted.  Our lives are micromanaged by the will of GOD to ensure that we are able to acquire the knowledge, wisdom and understanding to be partakes of his divine nature.

We GOD’S workmanship[3]. The Creator does not have a deadline to meet when it comes to developing us.  He has no clock to punch, or supervisor. GOD does not have a timesheet or reports to run.  He uses every day of our lives and every experience that we have to formulate in us the character and personality that can be utilized to govern the works of his hands.[4]

So in essence, our maturation process is a miraculous process.  Unlike any other creature when our bodies reach its plateau in height and stature, our minds continue to evolve, to learn, to understand.  Every day we are blessed with new experiences that possess the potential to unlock the mysteries of our calling, and enlighten our minds with the heavenly gift of the grace of life.[5]

Knowing this we can never look at our current circumstances and make the assumption that GOD has placed a period at the end of the sentence.  We must face every day, every problem and every adversity with confidence, knowing that all things are working together for our good.[6]

[1] Romans 1:20

[2] Titus 3:7, Acts 17;28

[3] Eph 2:10

[4] Psalms 8:6

[5] 1st Peter 3:7

[6] Rom 8:28

Living “BY” Faith


It is written that the “Just shall live by faith.” True faith is not believing “in” something but instead, it is the principles by which all of your beliefs are founded upon; the foundation upon which all your beliefs are stand. Your faith governs the choices you make in life and guides your everyday activities and practices. Having faith in GOD comes by the hearing of the WORD OF GOD. GOD’s word allows us to create a concrete value system that will provide daily guidance to live life successfully. Your faith in GOD’S word grants the wisdom to make choices to reach your full potential and not jeopardize the purpose of your existence.


# BringOurGirlsBack……..ALL OF THEM!






Recently, 200 girls were kidnapped from a Boarding school in Nigeria prompting media and social network attention around our country.  News outlets across the nation brought attention to Islamist fundamentalist that kidnapped the young ladies and are now holding them from ransom. The Islamist group Boko Haram has not apologized or hid the fact that these girls are being held for sale and human trafficking.

While this event is indeed tragic and hurtful this is just a drop in the bucket to the millions of children that are sold annually throughout the world, including the United States.  While our media covers Prince Charles’s son, the Kardashians and the late night television wars according to statistics, 27 million people are being sold throughout the world.

According to reports, human trafficking takes place in over 160 countries.  36 percent of the trafficking takes place on the continent of Africa, 27 percent on the Americas (North & South), and 19 percent on the continent of Asia. States like California, Virginia and Wisconsin have reported hundreds of cases involving human trafficking for sex and slave labor for decades.

Children all over the world are at risk to be sold for forced labor and for sex.  Why then has this case received so much attention? Was it because it happened all at once? Was it because it was so degrading? Why are so many national renowned celebrities from the likes of Oprah to Chris Brown to Hilary Clinton now swarming social networks using the tag #BringBackOurGirls.

“Our Girls” have been trafficked now for decades. The popular consensus indicates that these girls were in boarding school trying to live out their dreams and get an education so they need our help, they don’t deserve this travesty.  Nigeria alone accounts for almost 30 percent of global human trafficking however, out of the thousands that are kidnapped and stolen annually in that country we hone in on just a small percentage from one location.

We don’t consider “our girls” to be the young girls that were running errands for their mother and never comes home. The young girls or boys that went to the playground and never came home. Are they not “ours?”

It seems again that human life is only validated our covetousness. The importance of humanity should not be predicated on one’s goals or their place in society but the fact that they are made in the Image and Likeness of GOD.  Every life is valuable wherever they may be or whatever their circumstance.  Education does not make a life more valuable and that lack thereof does not make a life futile. 

Wherever a life is taken a heinous crime takes place.  Where ever there is a kidnapping and  a soul sold into slavery there should be global attention paid. It should not come to a mass raid on a prestigious boarding school to take place for celebrities and politicians to take note that our children everywhere are being sold.

Bring our girls back, all of them whether their parents send them to boarding school, are in a board room or struggling to pay room and board.  This is a global epidemic that is taking the world by storm. Bring our girls back…..ALL OF THEM!


This blog cites work from






Mental Conception


Mental Conception

Vision is apart of preparation. The GOD of all Creation designed all phenomenally great things to start through a microcosmic state of development those later blossoms to its full potential. When GOD decided to bring salvation into the World, it was done through the seed of Abraham and birthed through a woman.

Who would’ve ever thought that the GOD of all Creation who inhabits eternity would take on the form of a servant being transformed into an embryo birthed through a woman igniting the master plan that would bring salvation to the human family?

It is written “Do not despise these small beginnings, for YAHWEH rejoices to see the work begin” Zech 4:10. The work begins in the mind. The scripture states that lust starts in the mind, is conceived then brings forth sin and eventually, death. If this is the case, righteous thoughts also begin in the mind and they will bring forth righteous works thereby bringing forth life. Vain Imaginations must be cast down according to the WORD OF GOD. So then, thoughts of purpose then must be built up.

Every creative idea and thought is full of purpose. This is why the influences that you allow to infiltrate your thinking are so important.  Your influences often trigger thoughts that contribute to your experiences and choices.

Your mind houses the spirit, the essence of your inner man that must be renewed by GOD daily.  You cannot afford to waste your mind and experiences with things that do not build your character for the many great things that GOD has in store for us.

There are exceeding great and precious promises that are in store to be manifest through the Salvation of The Messiah that awaits us. Your mind must be ready to become the person that will be able to utilize the gifts afforded to your destiny.

Our untapped potential is birthed through the thoughts of our mind. Are your thoughts bringing forth productivity that is purposeful?  Are your wasting your time and energy with things that do not profit? Are your thoughts contributing to your ultimate destiny?

Take time to think apart from the hustle and bustle of these busy days. Treasure your thoughts, allow them to nourish and enrich your day. Alleviate many of the influences that will not contribute your greatness and the fulfillment of your ultimate purpose.

*Scripture References*

Hebrews 2:16

Phil. 2:7

Isaiah 57:15

James 1:15-17

Proverbs 4:23

2nd Cor 10:5

2nd Peter chapter 1


The Offspring of GOD was never made to be “classified” but made to be the heirs of GOD’s Kingdom, the nephesh (heb. the soul, living breathing creature) that holds the breathe that is inspired by the ALMIGHTY GOD to partake of his divine nature, then to hold the rightful position as the inheritance of the Government and Kingdom of GOD!

via Race.



The idea of classifying human beings by their physical features is not an ancient concept. Men at one point in history were grouped by their  native lands. It was not until the 17th century when Europeans needed to justify slavery and colonization thereby convincing their constituency that African People along with other groups  were inferior or less than human.

Because of this, the idea that people are classified by their skin or their ethnicity denotes the idea that one group of people are inferior or superior than the other.

Why are human beings “classified?”  Are we not all made in the Image and Likeness our our Maker? This is why racism exist across the world.  It is embedded into our culture,  our society, our world. The fact that the continent that thought to “classify” humanity has covered the world with their idealism,race will be an issue until the next Global initiative which according to GOD’s word, will be return of The Savior of All mankind, YAHSHUA the Messiah (Christ).

Until then, every human being is forced to recognize race.  In doing so it is done with the connotation that one race is inferior or superior and men will continue to operate as such.

So men will continue to justify their humanity while others will attempt to assume their superiority.  This is why we kill based on race, why we segregate our neighborhoods, our schools, our offices, our television shows and our cultures.  This is why we identify our differences and act upon them rather than expound on our likenesses, for we are the Image and Likeness of GOD!

The Offspring of GOD was never made to be “classified” but made to be the heirs of GOD’s Kingdom, the nephesh  (heb. the soul, living breathing creature) that holds the breathe that is inspired by the ALMIGHTY GOD to  partake of his divine nature, then to hold  the rightful position as the inheritance of the Government and Kingdom of GOD!

*Scripture Reference*

Revelation 21:7

Romans 8
Revelations 2
Genesis 2
Acts 17