Living “BY” Faith


It is written that the “Just shall live by faith.” True faith is not believing “in” something but instead, it is the principles by which all of your beliefs are founded upon; the foundation upon which all your beliefs are stand. Your faith governs the choices you make in life and guides your everyday activities and practices. Having faith in GOD comes by the hearing of the WORD OF GOD. GOD’s word allows us to create a concrete value system that will provide daily guidance to live life successfully. Your faith in GOD’S word grants the wisdom to make choices to reach your full potential and not jeopardize the purpose of your existence.


Mental Conception


Mental Conception

Vision is apart of preparation. The GOD of all Creation designed all phenomenally great things to start through a microcosmic state of development those later blossoms to its full potential. When GOD decided to bring salvation into the World, it was done through the seed of Abraham and birthed through a woman.

Who would’ve ever thought that the GOD of all Creation who inhabits eternity would take on the form of a servant being transformed into an embryo birthed through a woman igniting the master plan that would bring salvation to the human family?

It is written “Do not despise these small beginnings, for YAHWEH rejoices to see the work begin” Zech 4:10. The work begins in the mind. The scripture states that lust starts in the mind, is conceived then brings forth sin and eventually, death. If this is the case, righteous thoughts also begin in the mind and they will bring forth righteous works thereby bringing forth life. Vain Imaginations must be cast down according to the WORD OF GOD. So then, thoughts of purpose then must be built up.

Every creative idea and thought is full of purpose. This is why the influences that you allow to infiltrate your thinking are so important.  Your influences often trigger thoughts that contribute to your experiences and choices.

Your mind houses the spirit, the essence of your inner man that must be renewed by GOD daily.  You cannot afford to waste your mind and experiences with things that do not build your character for the many great things that GOD has in store for us.

There are exceeding great and precious promises that are in store to be manifest through the Salvation of The Messiah that awaits us. Your mind must be ready to become the person that will be able to utilize the gifts afforded to your destiny.

Our untapped potential is birthed through the thoughts of our mind. Are your thoughts bringing forth productivity that is purposeful?  Are your wasting your time and energy with things that do not profit? Are your thoughts contributing to your ultimate destiny?

Take time to think apart from the hustle and bustle of these busy days. Treasure your thoughts, allow them to nourish and enrich your day. Alleviate many of the influences that will not contribute your greatness and the fulfillment of your ultimate purpose.

*Scripture References*

Hebrews 2:16

Phil. 2:7

Isaiah 57:15

James 1:15-17

Proverbs 4:23

2nd Cor 10:5

2nd Peter chapter 1



The idea of classifying human beings by their physical features is not an ancient concept. Men at one point in history were grouped by their  native lands. It was not until the 17th century when Europeans needed to justify slavery and colonization thereby convincing their constituency that African People along with other groups  were inferior or less than human.

Because of this, the idea that people are classified by their skin or their ethnicity denotes the idea that one group of people are inferior or superior than the other.

Why are human beings “classified?”  Are we not all made in the Image and Likeness our our Maker? This is why racism exist across the world.  It is embedded into our culture,  our society, our world. The fact that the continent that thought to “classify” humanity has covered the world with their idealism,race will be an issue until the next Global initiative which according to GOD’s word, will be return of The Savior of All mankind, YAHSHUA the Messiah (Christ).

Until then, every human being is forced to recognize race.  In doing so it is done with the connotation that one race is inferior or superior and men will continue to operate as such.

So men will continue to justify their humanity while others will attempt to assume their superiority.  This is why we kill based on race, why we segregate our neighborhoods, our schools, our offices, our television shows and our cultures.  This is why we identify our differences and act upon them rather than expound on our likenesses, for we are the Image and Likeness of GOD!

The Offspring of GOD was never made to be “classified” but made to be the heirs of GOD’s Kingdom, the nephesh  (heb. the soul, living breathing creature) that holds the breathe that is inspired by the ALMIGHTY GOD to  partake of his divine nature, then to hold  the rightful position as the inheritance of the Government and Kingdom of GOD!

*Scripture Reference*

Revelation 21:7

Romans 8
Revelations 2
Genesis 2
Acts 17



Every man and woman was made to lead in some capacity.  Our ability to lead is not based on our job, choice of career or position in society but our construct, being the offspring of the Creator and King of the Universe.

The Creator gave a command to his Creation that Man should have dominion over it. Man was blessed and then given the mandate to fill the Earth and subdue it.  Mankind is the main recipient of the awesome creation of GOD, The designated ruler of all creation, charged and given the authority over the works of GOD’s hands; Empowered by WORD and Will of GOD.

Man was not made to be subservient.  Man was not made to be doormats, a peon, a servant of anything. Man was created to  rule creation, seen and unseen, angels, heavenly beings, earthly beings, become extra-terrestrial, an unobtainable force of supreme divine power.  This only takes place through the Power of GOD’s Holy Spirit, given to those who are obedient.

Rarely are things that that GOD made for us are if ever handed to us. The first man Adam was placed in the garden but had to overcome the wiles of the Satan, serpent and protect his family from its influences also .  The Children of Israel were promised a land flowing with milk and honey but had to endure the great and terrible wilderness.

In the same connation, man’s dominion was predicated on man’s willingness and perseverance to subdue all that he encountered. Man, the pre-eminent overseer of GOD’s creation had a task to overcome every challenge that he faced.

 Planet Earth does not exist absent of daily challenges that seek to keep mankind from his ultimate goal of obtaining the dominion over GOD’s creation.  There is a force that we wrestle against daily; there are rulers, authorities, cosmic powers that govern the unseen and spiritual forces of the evil in the heavenly realm.

GOD has empowered us through his word and through his Holy Spirit that we can overcome the elements that seek to stop us from obtaining the character that is needed to inherit the Kingdom of GOD. However, daily we must be mindful to put on the Whole Armor of GOD that we may be able to stand against wiles of the mighty one of this Earth, Satan the Devil.

Every day, our steps have been designed for us to overcome and subdue anything that stands against us. There are experiences that we face that will bring about discouragement and attempt to refrain us from our ultimate goal and purpose, The Kingdom of our Eternal GOD that we were created to inherit.

We cannot allow discouragement to overtake us, when we see that our money or career is not taking off the way we wished for it to be. However, the dominion and authority we are to inherit is predicated by our business resume, our annual income, or status in society.

Everyman has a custom made path that we must travel and endure, so that when all is accomplished we have obtained the mind of Christ that will grant us the faith in victory to overcome the world.

Dominion is the result of a daily grind to stand against the adversity, weaknesses, sins, and   negative circumstances that will remove us from the hope of our calling. However, we have been given a charge to keep, and a GOD to glorify, and a crown to inherit. Let us subdue and take our dominion.

*scripture references*

Acts 17:29

Gen 1:26-28

Psalms chapters 8 and 37

Heb. chapters 1, 2

1st Tim 4:14

Eph. 3:20, 6:11,12

1st Cor. 1:18, 2:16, 15:40

Acts 5:32

Duet. 1:19, 13:5

1st John 5:4

When there is Life There is Hope


 What everyone can learn from the life of Nelson Mandela

On December 5, 2013 we lost a great leader, Nelson Mandela.  This man through his efforts and determination exposed the world to the hatred of Apartheid that went on by the fierce and brutal regime of South Africa.

Mandela led a revolutionary stance against Apartheid and was imprisoned for 27 years. Mandela was  charged with inciting worker strikes, leaving the country without permission, sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the government.  Mandela was found guilty of all four charges and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Nelson Mandela was imprisoned from June 12 1964 until February 11, 1990. 27 years of his life was spent imprisoned because of what he believed. Nelson Mandela didn’t view this sentence as punishment but he saw it as an opportunity to bring light to his cause,  stating

“In a way I had never quite comprehended before, I realized the role I could play in court and the possibilities before me as a defendant. I was the symbol of justice in the court of the oppressor, the representative of the great ideals of freedom, fairness and democracy in a society that dishonored those virtues. I realized then and there that I could carry on the fight even in the fortress of the enemy.” (Mandela ,1994 pg 458)

We will hear many great things about Mandela since his passing. What many will fail to mention is that he is an ex-convict that was falsely imprisoned. Nelson Mandela did not allow the 27 years of incarceration to grow and fester bitterness and anger that could have crippled his vision. He did not come out of jail and attempt to bash his incarcerators or incite riots. Mandela used the rest of his life to grow, succeed and accomplish. He became the President of South Africa, a global ambassador for his country as well as a phenomenal philanthropist.

In a country where men and woman who are incarcerated often come out to hopeless challenges, President Mandela exhibits that life is not over because a single solitary event holds a major portion of your life.  Life is too great to be confined to a prison cell, bankruptcy, divorce, or a job termination. Every day presents us with the opportunity to restart over again.

When an ex-felon does leaves from prison they still face many various challenges. Here are few things that stand against them.

  1. Your admission to public housing could be restricted, suspended or denied
  2. Social Security Benefits can be terminated
  3. Public Assistance can be restricted and removed
  4. The Higher Education Act of 1998 bars ex-felons from Pell Grants and large Federal Student Loans.
  5. You no longer have the right to vote

There are many difficult challenges to get back into a society that claims to be so “forgiving,” even though it is holds  the highest prison population in the world. However, The Creator of All Life designed the human spirit to hope in the midst of any adversity.

Many successfully men and women have gone on from the jail cell the Wall Street and board rooms. People like Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, Charles Dutton, Anthony Divincezo, Dave Dahl, Adrienne Smalls, Robert Downey Jr, Matha Stewart, Don King, Augustus Turner all have redefined their lives by not allowing the past to define the future.

Joseph the Dreamer had dream years before it came to fruition. He was sold into slavery by his brothers, falsely convicted, incarcerated, released, elevated, promoted then facilitated a global initiative that saved millions.

GOD never designed one moment of our lives to exist without hope. It is written that we “rejoice in the hope of the GLORY OF GOD.”  (Roman 5:2) Anytime you stop hoping you are defying the purpose of your existence. To stop hoping is the same as to stop breathing.  The Creator subjugated us to hope.  Hope can only be real when you cannot see who things we develop or know what the outcome will be.  It is written –

“For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.” (Rom 8.24-25)

Oftentimes years pass by before we see the results of our hard work.  Our eternal destiny and purposed resides in the Hope of GOD’s Kingdom.  The thief next to The Messiah on his death bed asked that he be remembered when Our Savior entered into his Kingdom. YAHSHUA (Christ, the Messiah) answered him “TODAY YOU SHALL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE!”

You can never position yourself where you do not hope. Hope is the blood of visions; our destiny is far greater than our circumstances. Hope is the language that speaks to the motivation of our spirits and mandates we rise beyond our current state to position our minds for the greatness we have been created to obtain.

Romans Chapter 5

Romans Chapter 8

Luke 23

Genesis 37-50

The Inner Terrorist

Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease,
typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain
outcome.  Anxiety is not based from the actual outcome, it is the fear
of it.  Fear according to the WORD OF GOD torments.  Fear can be
agonizing, painful, stressing and paralyzing. 

  Anxiety cannot exist without fear. Anxiety magnifies the fear
 emotion.  Many times the actual outcome has never even taken place. It
is often that the negative outcome is not even certain. The fact that an
option exist for an unfavorable scenario invokes the emotion of fear.

  Anxiety is an introduction to our downfall. The Serpent used the fear
of the uncertainty to cause Adam and Eve to sin.  The Serpent told Eve –

  “And the serpent
said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For GOD doth know that in
the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be
as gods knowing good and evil.” Gen 3:4-5

    The writer in the book of Hebrews tells us that YAHSHUA (Christ, the
Messiah)  had to deliver us  from this fear stating that the fear of
 death has imprisoned us. So fear is a type of imprisonment and
according to the Apostle John, fear is form of torment. 

  Terrorist are different than any other criminal.  It is not just the
raw nature of the act to kill. It is the open display that takes place
to cause many to fear, and also  panic. 

  A wise person weights  all possible outcomes to every decision, they
 weight the different scenarios that life and the decisions about life
can bring.  What anxiety does is it  makes the negative outcome seem to
be more real than the positive outcome.  Before the outcome is there, we
have succumb to the imprisonment of fear through anxiety.

  Anxiety is mental terrorism. It causes our minds to formulate
scenarios and outcomes when your current state has not changed.  With
most acts of terror the media makes us all spectators of events that can
often be hundreds or thousands of miles away.  Yet because we have the
visualization of what took place we don’t just view it, our minds makes
us feel that we have experienced it.

  Terrorist are successful through the act of fear .  By making people
uncertain about their lives, their current state, about the decisions
they make and what they do. Anxiety is the same way. It causes us to
second guess our lives, fear what our destiny and purpose are until
eventually it paralyzes us to the point that we are scared to pursue the
hope of our calling and the purpose of our existence.

   Anxiety is the terrorist that exist inside all of us. It reminds us
of negative events that have happened in our lives and aggrandizes fear
to where it makes negative outcomes certain.

    The Holy Spirit that The Creator gives is not popular. It is given
to those who are called to overcome this age.  It is a spirit of love,
sobriety but most of all power.   Fear and anxiety are forces and must
be combated through the power of GOD’s spirit given to us to so that we
may have his peace in a chaotic world.  He left his peace with us.

    The world offers peace through deceitful vices of finance, weaponry,
and physical ability.  Our legislative bodies are constantly debating
by what means our peace should be maintained, restored or acquired.

    The GOD of peace left his peace to the Believer all the adversities
that life holds.  There is no indication in the scripture that you will
live a life void of problems, pains or frustrations but the Spirit of
GOD gives us reason to be happy because his spirit gives us the ability
to reach our ultimate potential and destiny in spite of all.

    There is nothing in this world that can prevent bad things from
happening. The Spirit of GOD was not given to prevent bad things from
happening to us.  It was given to us so that in spite of all the evil
and pain that exists in this world it allows us to focus on the hope of
our calling and the richness of our inheritance toward us who believe! 

*Scripture Reference*
1st John 4:18
Genesis 2
Hebrews 2:15
Ephesians 1:18-23
Romans 8:28
John Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16
Hebrews 13:20-21
Romans 16:2

Time to Shine

Darkness is an intriguing scenario.  It is one of the first things that the Bible associates with Creation before GOD interjected his will by commanding the light to shine out of it. Darkness is the absence of light. It also implies uncertainty, insecurity, fear, and desolation.  Darkness hides direction. It hides the good and the evil. Darkness is the equilibrium of creation.  No one has an advantage in darkness. Qualities, characteristics and details are hidden in the darkness. Boundaries are concealed in a dark room, you don’t know your limitations or your ability to expand.

Our hearts are indeed dark. GOD never made our hearts to be enlightened from within, without the inspiration of the Almighty GOD and the hope of his eternal purpose.  YAHSHUA, (Christ, the Messiah) stated that if the ” eye is single, the whole body is shall be full of light, but if the eye  be evil, the light that is thee be darkness, how great is that darkness.” Matt 6:22-23. Other translations denote that this statement is a comparison between  generosity and selfishness.  In essence,  an evil eye is a selfish eye.  Why? Because light is made to enhance, to assist. It gives vision. Light does not ask for anything however  it makes changes everything that it is around.  Darkness encloses, it engulfs, it causes one to stumble because they cannot see what is in front of them, on the side of them nor in the back of them.

The light that shines in our heart is the glorious Gospel.  The Gospel is more than Christ’s death and resurrection. The Gospel is the message that Christ preached, The hope and anticipation of the Kingdom of GOD! (MARK  1:15)

Man’s destiny and purpose is reached with the confines of GOD’s Kingdom.  We understand our existence through the gospel. We were created to have a reigning position in GOD’s realm of POWER. This hope enlightens our existence.

The world is void of this knowledge so it dwells in darkness. When Creation came to be, GOD whose name is YAHWEH never removed darkness totally from planet Earth, neither did he remove light totally from Planet Earth. He compartmentalized and limited the dominance of each based on the time of day.

It is written –

“And GOD made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night….to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness:” Gen 1:15-16

As long as we are in this world, at this time we are overcome with darkness.  When Christ, YAHSHUA said if thine” eye be evil this word evil  means pressed, hard, full of labor, annoyances, hardships, toils.”

It is through the Apostle, that we understand that the scriptures when speaking of “eye” is speaking of our ability to discern through our minds. The Apostle terms it the “eyes of our UNDERSTANDING” (Eph. 1:18). He later mentions “having your understanding darkened.” Eph 4:18

What we understand determines the light that is within us.  This world is void of understanding according to Romans 3:11. Because the understanding of the world is void of light, everything in the world is hard, toiling , full of labor, and annoying.  The darkness of the world can be overwhelming, frustrating, burdensome, tiring.  The darkness within us can be just as frustrating. When we tend to look at our insecurities, our failures in life, our negative traits, the attributes and characteristics that we have inherited from our parents it could be very discouraging. GOD however, has allowed the light of his will to shine out of the darkness that is in our heart through the hope of the gospel.

The Gospel isn’t some trendy message quickly written on a brochure. It is the power of GOD unto salvation and the mission statement of  Creation. We were born to rule, rule like GOD and reign in righteousness over all creation.  Everyday if we do not rehearse the hope of our calling to enlighten our daily activities we will act upon the darkness that is in our hearts.

It is written that” GOD has given light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Luke 1:78

Our lives when fixated to our hope will radiate whatever environment  we choose to place our feet.  Our mouths do not express our destiny,  our lives do. Our behavior, our smile and strength through adversity is what causes us to shine as bright lights in a dark world.

If you allow the hope that was manifested in you before the World existed, to lodge in the forefront of your mind, your life will radiate causing many to come to the understanding of their purpose and the knowledge of their existence.

It’s is time for us to shine! To show forth the best of who we are and what we are because the purpose that has been instilled in us.

*Scripture References *

2nd Cor.4

Matt 6:22-25

Romans 1:16

Gen. 32:28

Phil. 2:15

Creation’s Motivation

There have been studies to show that our moods are effected by the weather patterns.*  There is something about a sunny day outside that makes us feel alive, vibrant and invigorated.  The sun is a big fireball of energy that provides energy for the Earth to grow and operate.

The Creator of all the Universe, The GOD of Hope whose name is YAHWEH created the land to provide sustenance for our mortal bodies to live from day to day.  Good weather is indicative of a harvest.  A time to plant, grow and receive.  A time to be productive, a time to get busy!

The GOD of all force, matter and energy could have very well made everything  to grow in winter where every day we would have to go out in the cold and grow our food as well as reap the harvest in cold agonizing  weather . No, he in all his wisdom allowed the sun the shine and the elements to compliment the need for our growth and development.

Once  the warm spring sun hits, it has a way of revitalizing us and motivating us. We want to go out,  hit the basketball court, the baseball field, pull out the grill, have a family reunion, wave at our neighbors or sit in the yard.  The weather has a way of expanding our comfort zone because the larger base of our habitat is more comfortable.

It is written that the “Heavens declare the glory of GOD; and the dome of the sky speaks the work of his hands. Every day it utters speech and every night it reveals knowledge. ” Psalms 19:1 (Complete Jewish Bible)

GOD has a way of invigorating us through his creation, making us feel alive and inspiring us to get busy in pursuit of destiny, calling and purpose.

 Our Father Abraham was advised to look at the stars and the sea to be inspired about the promises of GOD.  YAHWEH, the true and living GOD calls the stars by name and allows them to brighten up our nights. Angels are also compared to stars OF GOD.

Every day creation inspires up. Springtime is harvest time. A time that we need use the energy and inspiration that we have through GOD’s creation to be motivated, be creative, discuss ideas and strategies, make things happen, pursue the greatness that was instilled in the DNA of GOD’s Image.  Embrace the environment that GOD has allowed to spring forth and enrich your day!

It is written  “The creation waits eagerly for the sons of God to be revealed;  for the creation was made subject to frustration — not willingly, but because of the one who subjected it. But it was given a reliable hope that it too would be set free from its bondage to decay and would enjoy the freedom accompanying the glory that God’s children will have. We know that until now, the whole creation has been groaning as with the pains of childbirth; and not only it, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we continue waiting eagerly to be made sons — that is, to have our whole bodies redeemed and set free.  It was in this hope that we were saved. ”  Romans 8:19-24 Complete Jewish Bible

*Scripture reference*
Romans 15:13
Isaiah 42:8
Psalms 145
Psalms 147
Genesis 15:5
Job 38

This Blog cites studies based from the work the Dr. John M Grohol PSYD