The Right Fight?


Since the arrival of the first Africans to the New World in Virginia in 1619 it seems that there has always been something for African-Americans to fight for.  Although, the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil Rights Act have granted certain civil liberties to African-Americans, racial equality and justice have always felt like an unobtainable goal to many in the African-American community. This seems to be the case even more so now, in the wake of newly elected President, Donald Trump.

President Trump has accordingly  shown behavioral tendencies that exemplify racism.  While many would say, this is just the fabricated argument of the African-American community, many credible mainstream media outlets have labeled our President as such.

Dana Millbank of the Washington Post has called Donald Trump a “bigot and a racist”[1]

New York Times editor Jill Abramson states there is “plenty of evidence” to show that Trump is both a “Demagogue and a Racist.”[2]

Lydia O’Connor and Daniel Marans of the Huffington Post cited 13 examples of Donald Trump being a racist. [3]

Fortune 500’s Michael D’Antonio cited several cases of racial tendencies and quotes of Donald Trump dating back close to thirty years[4]

In contrast, President Trump has of late has gone out of his way to meet with popular African-Americans celebrities like Steve Harvey, Kanye West, Jim Brown and Ray Lewis.  Not to mention several African American clergymen prior to the U.S. Election.  According to Harper Poling, Donald Trump received 18 percent of the African American popular vote, which is more than Mitt Romney in the prior election.[5]

So, the question needs to asked, what is the African American fight for  at this present time? Should African-Americans trust Donald Trump?

Has any other President since the Post-segregation era displayed such racist tendencies as our current President?

Should African Americans begin to look in the mirror and start to evaluate their citizenship? Is there enough data to show that any elected official white or black has the best interest of the African-American community in mind? Should African-Americans feel threatened by police officers or by their own neighbors? Should we vote, and if so Democratic or Republican or Independent.

One could make the argument, that the current climate in the United States has the feel of an imminent social attack on the African-American Identity and Culture.  When viewing the statistical data that reflects the enormous amount of crime, imprisonment, police brutality and poverty in various urban African-American communities, Africa-Americans cannot afford to take their rights for granted.  Every African-American citizen must consider every aspect of their existence in this country. Not only, should African-Americans evaluate their politics but also assess their faith, family values, finances and future.







The Miraculous Process


Every great accomplishment must incorporate the element of time.  Growth and development do not happen overnight.  A child does not grow overnight, a plant does not go into the ground as seed and by the next day grow into a tall tree.  Time and seasons are things that GOD uses to implement change.

Creation tells us that change and growth are the applications of a gradual process that GOD utilizes to bring about the purpose of his will.[1]

GOD has an eternal purpose for his offspring[2].  The agenda of which was ordained from the foundation of the world. No one, however, can fulfill their calling simply by existing from day to day. Instead, through consistent growth and development into the stature and maturity that was predestinated by the purpose that GOD has instilled in us.

Every day we live we have a purpose. Nothing we go through, nothing we experience is ever wasted.  Our lives are micromanaged by the will of GOD to ensure that we are able to acquire the knowledge, wisdom and understanding to be partakes of his divine nature.

We GOD’S workmanship[3]. The Creator does not have a deadline to meet when it comes to developing us.  He has no clock to punch, or supervisor. GOD does not have a timesheet or reports to run.  He uses every day of our lives and every experience that we have to formulate in us the character and personality that can be utilized to govern the works of his hands.[4]

So in essence, our maturation process is a miraculous process.  Unlike any other creature when our bodies reach its plateau in height and stature, our minds continue to evolve, to learn, to understand.  Every day we are blessed with new experiences that possess the potential to unlock the mysteries of our calling, and enlighten our minds with the heavenly gift of the grace of life.[5]

Knowing this we can never look at our current circumstances and make the assumption that GOD has placed a period at the end of the sentence.  We must face every day, every problem and every adversity with confidence, knowing that all things are working together for our good.[6]

[1] Romans 1:20

[2] Titus 3:7, Acts 17;28

[3] Eph 2:10

[4] Psalms 8:6

[5] 1st Peter 3:7

[6] Rom 8:28

Living “BY” Faith


It is written that the “Just shall live by faith.” True faith is not believing “in” something but instead, it is the principles by which all of your beliefs are founded upon; the foundation upon which all your beliefs are stand. Your faith governs the choices you make in life and guides your everyday activities and practices. Having faith in GOD comes by the hearing of the WORD OF GOD. GOD’s word allows us to create a concrete value system that will provide daily guidance to live life successfully. Your faith in GOD’S word grants the wisdom to make choices to reach your full potential and not jeopardize the purpose of your existence.


Mental Conception


Mental Conception

Vision is apart of preparation. The GOD of all Creation designed all phenomenally great things to start through a microcosmic state of development those later blossoms to its full potential. When GOD decided to bring salvation into the World, it was done through the seed of Abraham and birthed through a woman.

Who would’ve ever thought that the GOD of all Creation who inhabits eternity would take on the form of a servant being transformed into an embryo birthed through a woman igniting the master plan that would bring salvation to the human family?

It is written “Do not despise these small beginnings, for YAHWEH rejoices to see the work begin” Zech 4:10. The work begins in the mind. The scripture states that lust starts in the mind, is conceived then brings forth sin and eventually, death. If this is the case, righteous thoughts also begin in the mind and they will bring forth righteous works thereby bringing forth life. Vain Imaginations must be cast down according to the WORD OF GOD. So then, thoughts of purpose then must be built up.

Every creative idea and thought is full of purpose. This is why the influences that you allow to infiltrate your thinking are so important.  Your influences often trigger thoughts that contribute to your experiences and choices.

Your mind houses the spirit, the essence of your inner man that must be renewed by GOD daily.  You cannot afford to waste your mind and experiences with things that do not build your character for the many great things that GOD has in store for us.

There are exceeding great and precious promises that are in store to be manifest through the Salvation of The Messiah that awaits us. Your mind must be ready to become the person that will be able to utilize the gifts afforded to your destiny.

Our untapped potential is birthed through the thoughts of our mind. Are your thoughts bringing forth productivity that is purposeful?  Are your wasting your time and energy with things that do not profit? Are your thoughts contributing to your ultimate destiny?

Take time to think apart from the hustle and bustle of these busy days. Treasure your thoughts, allow them to nourish and enrich your day. Alleviate many of the influences that will not contribute your greatness and the fulfillment of your ultimate purpose.

*Scripture References*

Hebrews 2:16

Phil. 2:7

Isaiah 57:15

James 1:15-17

Proverbs 4:23

2nd Cor 10:5

2nd Peter chapter 1



There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:” – Ecc 3:1

Time is one of the most powerful components of our existence. A prayer of the great leader Moses shows that the ability to know and understand how time interacts with our lives has to be taught and applied to wisdom.

Because life is so short but so impacting, it is very important that we understand the various seasons that take place in our lives.

A season is an appointed time; A space of time that is given for a particular event and/or activity. It is a set time, according to the scriptures.

Everything has a set time, at time we are uncertain when seasons in our lives will change.  It requires wisdom to discern and see the signs of what they are so we can operate effectively.

Imagine if baseball players played in the winter or football players played in the summer? How erroneous would it be if farmers planted all their crops in the winter waiting for a harvest in the cold when the field will not yield and produce life?
In the same way, knowing how to act during appointed times in our lives requires understanding from GOD and direct fellowship with his word.

YAHSHUA (The Messiah, the Christ) made a statement saying “O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” (Matt 16:3). The Greek word for discern is diakrino which means to mentally separate, or distinguish. So we must be able to observe and distinguish various seasons in our lives.

YAHSHUA saw a fig tree afar off having leaves. When he came near the tree hoping to find fruit, the only thing that he found were leaves. YAHSHUA proclaimed “No man eat fruit from the tree hereafter and forever!”  Not even 24 hours later the tree was dried up from the roots and withered away, much to the astonishment of the disciples of YAHSHUA.

Our existence is often predicated on our ability to operate effectively according to the  set appointed time in our lives.  There are times where we must learn, take information gather knowledge from the experiences that GOD has created for us to gain insight into our calling. Then there are times that we must be more productive, teach, show initiative, take the lead and display our gifts.

So many young men and women fail because they wish to gain so much being young without growing and developing. Young men and woman that are exposed to intimacy before emotional maturity often causes them to have children before they have experienced the necessary lessons of life that teach responsible parenting. Men suffer midlife crisis because they do not embrace the wisdom that life’s experiences teaches. Then eventually they live in regret because they have wasted their youth in folly.

So we understand why the Prophet asked GOD for wisdom to number our days. Meaning not to just count them but the Hebrew word is manah to allot, assign, to prepare, appoint and constitute over.

Seasons are not a term that should be used designed for blessings only,  but  should stand as a reminder that our lives and experiences are temporary. When times are good we must enjoy but prepare and consider. When times are bad, we must endure and anticipate the victory that is on the horizon and rejoice in the character that is being formed in us.

Our life is a season. It has a set time. We have a start date and an end date and within this time we must gather the character and knowledge that will allow us to inherit our eternal position and purpose.

Time is the tool that GOD has used to measure our lives. We do not have one second to waste by being idle or failing to occupy. Every day has purpose. Every day there are experiences that will contribute to the hope of our calling; every day provides us the experiences that we need to become what GOD has created us to be. There is a set time appointed for every work under the Sun, our job is to seek and trust the Creator of all things for wisdom for proper success and development.

*Scripture References*
Psalms 90:12
Ecc 3:12
Mark 11:14
2nd Peter 2:10
Ephesians 1:18
Daniel 2:20-21
Hebrews 9:15

Don’t Wait, Start Today!


Through the course of the next week, people will make new year’s resolutions that can verge anywhere from loosing weight, to stop smoking, stop drinking or to be a better husband or father. We use the beginning of a calendar as a benchmark to motivate us to do something that we have been reluctant to do so in the past.

Many religious leaders will come up with slogans and themes for the calendar year of 2014. They will divide the 14 by two and proclaim that GOD wants you to have a double portion, or that this is a year of great things as if GOD, The Creator of all things that holds all creation by the word of his power,  only does great things based on our  calendar.

It is written that GOD’s new mercies are new every morning, not every year. Christ advised his disciples to pray for GOD to give us our this day our daily bread. Christ also said that we should not worry about tomorrow because today has enough evil and aggravations that warrant our concerns. It is also written that daily GOD loads us with benefits. The Word of GOD declares that our outer man is perishing but our inner man, our human spirit must be renewed every day.

GOD’s time is not your time, to everything there is a time and a season. However, seasons and times that in the power of  of the Father are not meant for us to know according the scriptures. By waiting for the calendar to hit 1/1/14 will not make our problems less difficult to face nor make our adversities up and leave.

GOD has given us the strength through the Holy Spirit that he gives to them that are obedient to him, to make everything happen that we need to make  happen today. We don’t have to watch the clock for new years, we don’t have to watch a ball drop, we don’t have to be inspired by the new year. It is written

Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” Hebrews 3:15.

Don’t insult GOD by your procrastination. Do not wait until a day that you deem  eventful to make a decision to better your life. Don’t wait to loose weight, stop smoking or even become a better man or woman. Every day we are alive is eventful. Every day affords us the opportunity for greatness. Every day we are alive is miraculous, full of power, potential and innumerable possibilities.

Start today.

*Scripture References*

Hebrews 1:23


Matthew 6:11-34

Isaiah 55:8-9

Psalms 68:19


Acts 5:32

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