Mental Conception


Mental Conception

Vision is apart of preparation. The GOD of all Creation designed all phenomenally great things to start through a microcosmic state of development those later blossoms to its full potential. When GOD decided to bring salvation into the World, it was done through the seed of Abraham and birthed through a woman.

Who would’ve ever thought that the GOD of all Creation who inhabits eternity would take on the form of a servant being transformed into an embryo birthed through a woman igniting the master plan that would bring salvation to the human family?

It is written “Do not despise these small beginnings, for YAHWEH rejoices to see the work begin” Zech 4:10. The work begins in the mind. The scripture states that lust starts in the mind, is conceived then brings forth sin and eventually, death. If this is the case, righteous thoughts also begin in the mind and they will bring forth righteous works thereby bringing forth life. Vain Imaginations must be cast down according to the WORD OF GOD. So then, thoughts of purpose then must be built up.

Every creative idea and thought is full of purpose. This is why the influences that you allow to infiltrate your thinking are so important.  Your influences often trigger thoughts that contribute to your experiences and choices.

Your mind houses the spirit, the essence of your inner man that must be renewed by GOD daily.  You cannot afford to waste your mind and experiences with things that do not build your character for the many great things that GOD has in store for us.

There are exceeding great and precious promises that are in store to be manifest through the Salvation of The Messiah that awaits us. Your mind must be ready to become the person that will be able to utilize the gifts afforded to your destiny.

Our untapped potential is birthed through the thoughts of our mind. Are your thoughts bringing forth productivity that is purposeful?  Are your wasting your time and energy with things that do not profit? Are your thoughts contributing to your ultimate destiny?

Take time to think apart from the hustle and bustle of these busy days. Treasure your thoughts, allow them to nourish and enrich your day. Alleviate many of the influences that will not contribute your greatness and the fulfillment of your ultimate purpose.

*Scripture References*

Hebrews 2:16

Phil. 2:7

Isaiah 57:15

James 1:15-17

Proverbs 4:23

2nd Cor 10:5

2nd Peter chapter 1