Don’t Wait, Start Today!


Through the course of the next week, people will make new year’s resolutions that can verge anywhere from loosing weight, to stop smoking, stop drinking or to be a better husband or father. We use the beginning of a calendar as a benchmark to motivate us to do something that we have been reluctant to do so in the past.

Many religious leaders will come up with slogans and themes for the calendar year of 2014. They will divide the 14 by two and proclaim that GOD wants you to have a double portion, or that this is a year of great things as if GOD, The Creator of all things that holds all creation by the word of his power,  only does great things based on our  calendar.

It is written that GOD’s new mercies are new every morning, not every year. Christ advised his disciples to pray for GOD to give us our this day our daily bread. Christ also said that we should not worry about tomorrow because today has enough evil and aggravations that warrant our concerns. It is also written that daily GOD loads us with benefits. The Word of GOD declares that our outer man is perishing but our inner man, our human spirit must be renewed every day.

GOD’s time is not your time, to everything there is a time and a season. However, seasons and times that in the power of  of the Father are not meant for us to know according the scriptures. By waiting for the calendar to hit 1/1/14 will not make our problems less difficult to face nor make our adversities up and leave.

GOD has given us the strength through the Holy Spirit that he gives to them that are obedient to him, to make everything happen that we need to make  happen today. We don’t have to watch the clock for new years, we don’t have to watch a ball drop, we don’t have to be inspired by the new year. It is written

Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” Hebrews 3:15.

Don’t insult GOD by your procrastination. Do not wait until a day that you deem  eventful to make a decision to better your life. Don’t wait to loose weight, stop smoking or even become a better man or woman. Every day we are alive is eventful. Every day affords us the opportunity for greatness. Every day we are alive is miraculous, full of power, potential and innumerable possibilities.

Start today.

*Scripture References*

Hebrews 1:23


Matthew 6:11-34

Isaiah 55:8-9

Psalms 68:19


Acts 5:32

For more go to

No Lie is Of The Truth – The Santa Claus Debate

No Lie is Of The Truth – The Santa Claus Debate.

Could it be the reason why we go so far to protect our beloved fictitious icons is because in fact we are protecting other deep rooted untruths about the days we associate with the worship of OUR GOD?

Every believer must scrutinize and examine every practice of worship. Any worship that does not come from the WORD OF GOD will result in the judgment of GOD like the two sons of Aaron that were burnt up by offering strange fire or Ananias and Sephirra that lied to the Holy Spirit about their monetary offering.

No Lie is Of The Truth – The Santa Claus Debate


Recently, Fox News Commentator Megan Kelly stirred a national debate about Santa Claus being Caucasian.  During her prime time show Kelly made the controversial statement-

  “For you kids watching at home, Santa just is white.”

Her comments stirred up many parents that felt that Santa Claus should be viewed as multi-ethnic and should not have a color. This would help in teaching children to respect diversity through icons like Santa Claus by not limiting him to an old Caucasian man.

Here’s a thought, why don’t we just tell our kids the truth? The notion that some man rides on a sleigh led by reindeer on the night of December 24, comes into our homes, leave gifts to every boy and girl is false. For some reason we have continued to perpetuate a lie about someone that does not exist and this lie has continued for generations.

Could it be the reason why we go so far to protect our beloved fictitious icons is because in fact we are protecting other deep rooted untruths about the days we associate with the worship of OUR GOD?

Here are some facts about Christmas.

  1. Christmas is nowhere in the scriptures
  2. It’s celebratory components like trees, mistletoes and reefs  don’t stem from the scriptural artifacts of worship
  3. The Holiday/Festival existed centuries before Christ
  4. Neither Christ nor his Apostles ever neither celebrated nor advised men to do so.
  5. The Bible shows the Christ and his Apostles partaking in festivals like Pentecost, Feast of Tabernacle, Unleavened Bread and Passover.  (John ch.7,Mt 26, Luke 22:15, Acts ch.2 and chapter 20)
  6. The Bible along with the words of Christ shows that Passover will be celebrated in the Kingdom of GOD. (Luke 22:18)
  7. Catholics did not even celebrate it until the 4th century AD. That would be 400 years after Christ.

It is written – “I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth.” (1st John 2:21)

The truth cannot bring about a lie; a lie cannot come from truth. So where should the Church stand in something that is not true?

The Apostle states Galatians 4:16 “Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?”

The world continues to perpetuate lies and hypocrisy. It is written that “All that is in the world is the lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life.” (1st John 2:16) The church however was built on the pillar and ground of what is truth, dedicated to the sanctification of the truth which is the WORD OF GOD! (John 17:17)

It is written that true worship is worship that is in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). The world loves its own. The church however was never designed to have direct association with the world. Even Christ told his disciples at one time “That ye shall weep and lament but the world shall rejoice:  “(John 16:20)

The church is an exclusive fraternity of unified believers dedicated to the gospel of the Kingdom that is to come and the salvation that is given through YAHSHUA (Christ.) We are in the world but not of the world. We were called out from the world to be separated in order to fulfill the will of GOD by acquiring the character to become the ruling class of his government.

Every believer must scrutinize and examine every practice of worship. Any worship that does not come from the WORD OF GOD will result in the judgment of GOD like the two sons of Aaron that were burnt up by offering strange fire or Ananias and Sephirra that lied to the Holy Spirit about their monetary offering.

Let us teach our children the truth according to the eternal word of GOD that will stand forever as the world melts away in a fervent heat. It’s written “But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into Him who is the head–Christ.” (Eph.4:15)

The world is designed to perpetuate lies and hypocrisy. It is written that “All that is in the world is the lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life.”(1st John 2:16) The Church however is the pillar and ground of the truth.

So what do we do? Leaders, preachers, pastors, evangelist and believers, do we allow the world to dictate our worship or do we let every man be a liar and let GOD BE TRUE?

*This Essay also references*

John 17:16-26

Leviticus 10:1

Ephesians chapter 4

2nd Cor.13:5

Acts 5

John 15:19

Matt 24:5

2nd Peter 3:10

1st Tim 3:15

Romans 3:4

It also sites brief facts from


Motivational Hope


According to a recent Gallup, 70% of workers polled hate their jobs or are disengaged with their current job. The numbers show that although many of us are educated, and driven to pursue our “dream” job, the fact of the matter is, our jobs are unfulfilling and dissatisfying.  We were meant for more.

It is sad to go to college, plummet yourself in debt just to get a job that stresses you out or make your days long, or make you feel like your ideas or contributions or not valued.

The Gallup Poll stems from professional workers like managers, executives, officials, physicians, nurses, teachers, office workers, government workers, sale workers, and service, manufacture and transportation workers. Roughly 25 million workers were polled.  Out of that, 70 percent did not like their job!

Because of this it is very hard for a lot of men and women to get out of bed and go to work. Good men and women know they have a responsibility, they have to pay bills, put food on the table for their children, take care of things, put things in order, and make things happen. It’s a real grind.

There are 365 days in the year, out of those days; the majority of us are working for approximately 260 of them with the possibility of getting 14 to 20 days to take of our own time or because we are sick.  That is over 70 percent.  It’s very hard for us to stay motivated when we have to work harder to get more and grind more to climb that ladder. What we give and sacrifice for more money pales in comparison to the time we lose and stress that we gain.  It takes its tolls on us. At any time our employers can decide that they no longer need our services and we have to start all over again.

Ultimately, you can never be fulfilled from the “nine to five. “  You were not created to push pens, pull strings or take notes.  Your creative mind, imagination, talent and determination was made to exceed far above what you can ask or think according to the power that is able to work inside of you.

Your employment has no bearing on your greatness. You are not a failure because you did not get a promotion or because you were overlooked. We were made to receive the adoption into the glorious liberty of the SONS OF GOD.

You have a reason to be motivated, because The Creator is choosing his family to inherit the ultimate ruler ship in his everlasting Kingdom while they are in this present evil world. Every day GOD is conforming his chosen ones into his Image so that his Creation will be filled with His glory as the waters cover the seas.  We must continue to grind. Although we are underpaid and unappreciated, the steps that have been ordered for us are working in us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

 Health Care might be costly, gas might be expensive, and food prices are rising every day.  The wealth gap has widened more than ever before.  However, as long as there is a Creator and his purpose is instilled in us with every waking day that we live, we can overcome and endure anything.

We can  stay motivated, not my money, not by prestige but  by the hope of the GLORY OF GOD which will allow us to inherit, rule and govern the Kingdom that was created for us before the foundation of the world.


This article sights the following scriptural references


Gal 4:7

Eph 1:5

Romans 8:18-35

Gal 1:4

Habakkuk 2:14

Psalms 37:23

2nd Cor. 4:17

Rom 4:25, 5:5

Matt 25:34

This articles sights work from

Where Should We Stand?


There has been a recent trend of Christians openly sharing their outrage against the homosexual community.  Of recent years, the gay and lesbian communities have expressed their desires for equal and fair treatment to marry and protect those that they care about. In turn, many Christians and conservatives have condemned men and women for their preferences by quoting Romans chapter 1 and Leviticus Chapters 18 to 21 to condemn those who choose to live their lives against what is written.

Let me say this, I am a firm believer in the WORD OF GOD. It is the ultimate and supreme authority of the Universe. With that being said, the duty of the believer is not the condemnation of the world because Christ came that the world may not be condemned but that the world through him might be saved. That should be the ultimate goal of every believer.

The Church, the called out ones is a community of believers. The problem with many believers is that so many of us have a tendency to isolate things that we find detestable and condemn them, while other things that are not as easily available to the human eye goes unnoticed and unspoken.

There are believers that will condemn homosexuality but will not condemn pride, fornication, adultery, malice, gossiping or lying. Believers will condemn a man for being with another man but will not condemn him for being with a woman without committing to marriage?

So many men that have proclaimed to be men of have been taken in sin. After doing so they have asked the GOD of all Creation to restore them with his everlasting mercy, as they should. Yet when it comes to so many others to whom GOD has allowed the sun to shine on we link them with the likes of terrorist, or dogs. How can bitter and sweet water come out of the same fountain?

Many people have linked Sodom and Gomorrah with homosexuality because of the story of the city men demanding the Lot send out the men that entered his home and conclude that GOD overthrew the wicked city because of that act. (Gen.19) Yet the scriptures say that there wickedness was arrogance,   greed, selfishness, and laziness and arrogance.  Another evil was that they refused to help those that are in need. (Ezek16:48)

Why don’t we hear Christian Conservatives speaking against that attitude? Are not many politicians and Christian Conservatives against government aid like the Affordable Health Care Act and  programs that would help those in need? Where is the outrage?

There are things that GOD hate and 7 is an abomination, that is (Proverbs 6:16-20)

  1. Arrogance
  2. Lying
  3. Killing the innocent
  4. A mind that plot wicked schemes
  5. People that rush to do evil
  6. A false witness that lies consistently
  7. One who separates brothers (unity)

When you consider these items isn’t this country guilty of many if not all?  Where is the protest, where is the tea party?  Where is the right wing?

This world is full of hypocrisy. The Church is an institution dedicated to salvation through GOD’s mercy and his message. Apart from this, we are condemned because we all have sinned and come short of GOD’s glory that he promised us before the foundation of the world.

Many feel that the Church must condemn all evil everywhere. This is not the case. The job of the church, the ministry of the church is dedicated to the church. The Church must edify the Church. GOD is presenting to himself a glorious Church without spot or blemish not to the world.

The job is to get people in the Church then reform, not to condemn into reformation. The Apostle stated concerning fornicators stating –

“In my earlier letter I wrote you not to associate with people who engage in sexual immorality. I didn’t mean the sexually immoral people outside your community, or the greedy, or the thieves or the idol-worshippers — for then you would have to leave the world altogether! No, what I wrote you was not to associate with anyone who is supposedly a brother but who also engages in sexual immorality, is greedy, worships idols, is abusive, gets drunk or steals. With such a person you shouldn’t even eat! 12 For what business is it of mine to judge outsiders? Isn’t it those who are part of the community that you should be judging?  God will judge those who are outside” 1st Cor.5 ch 9-12 Complete Jewish Bible

It is important that believers keep a perspective that is right according to the WORD OF GOD. It is written “ALL unrighteousness is sin.” (1st John 5:17)  We cannot pick and choose what we don’t like. We must embrace the totality of the WORD OF GOD and live by it. Let your light shine, not your mouth. Be a living epistle read by the world; show your discipleship by your love not by your lust.


This  essay references

Romans ch.1

Lev. Ch.18-21

John 3:17-18

1st Tim ch 3:15, 1:12-16

Mark 2:12

Matt 5:45

James 3:11

1st Cor 6:10-11

Romans 3:23

Ephesians 4:12-22, 5:27


Matt 5:16

2nd Cor 3:1-3

John 13:35



Life’s Trajectory

Our problems, failures, anxieties, insecurities, past, present and future decisions have all been weighed out and predetermined before the Manipulator of our trajectory even set us in motion.Every day we are set out on the path to greatness. Because of this, every day we must know that “All things are working together for the good to them who love GOD, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Rom 8:28

via Life’s Trajectory.

Life’s Trajectory


A trajectory is a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory. A physical trajectory is a curved path which something takes as it moves through the air or through space.  The idea behind space flight, for example, is that if enough force is propelled onto an object to move it to a place where the force of gravity isn’t as great, the object can continue in motion.  A trajectory is determined by the projectile’s influence. The projectile is the object that is moved, dropped, thrown or even fired -like a gun or a rocket- and its main influence is the force of gravity.

A projectile’s path can only be influenced by gravity. What stronger force is there on the planet that we live on?  Gravity can never be defied, it has to be overcome.  The only way that a projectile to fly is to be lighter than the pull of gravity or to have more force to propel over the force of gravity.  The fact that an item flies does not mean that it contradicts the laws of gravity, just that it does what is necessary to continue its movement against the pull of the atmosphere.

Trajectory planning must be thought out, calculated, and prepared. Everything is weighed to determine the path and destination. The timing, the target point, the ability to avoid obstacles and collision makes the planning difficult but possible.  The most effective determinant in the trajectory of a projectile is what is called the “manipulator.” The manipulator determines the force behind the projectile and the location of the starting point of the projectile.

The path of a trajectory is never straight. Because of gravity and other factors like wind gust and the form of the projectile itself, the path is often curved. The path can vary in so many ways. The important thing is the beginning point and the end point. The main factor in a trajectory is that the projective ends up at its designated source.

In life there are so many avenues and directions that we are pulled in and so many things that carry us in directions that we don’t want to go in. If the road in life could go in a straight path life would be very predictable, and at times boring. Life however is a journey. Our journey consists of many winding roads, turns, curves, hills and valleys.  There are also obstacles that attempt to deter us from reaching the end point of our destination.

What we must rely on is the fact that the source of our manipulation is stronger than the forces and the obstacles that stand against us to prevent us from our purpose. The scriptures indicate that we were chosen in him before the foundation of the world. It is also written that those whom GOD has known in advance, he has justified and are conforming them into his Image and likeness. Because of this, ALL THINGS are working together for our good.  The “good”  indicates that  our ultimate destiny and   purpose of our existence for being joint heirs to GOD’s Kingdom according to the previous chapters in Romans 8.

  It is written

 “For I know what plans I have in mind for you,
says YAHWEH ,plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future.” (Jer 29:11 Complete Jewish Bible).

Our lives at times can seem so out of control because of the variances of winds, and obstacles that can seem to offset our journey. All these things that we face have been pre-calculated by the Manipulator and Creator of all things that are working for our good. The GOD of All Heaven and Earth, whose name is YAHWEH has ordered our steps and have set us on a path for ultimate victory. The path also creates in us a character of greatness and fortitude where we are able to govern in the Kingdom of The Most High.

Our problems, failures, anxieties, insecurities, past, present and future decisions have all been weighed out and predetermined before the Manipulator of our trajectory even set us in motion.

Every day we are set out on the path to greatness. Because of this, every day we must know that “All things are working together for the good to them who love GOD, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Rom 8:28

*Scripture References*

Ephesians Chapter 1

Romans 8

Jeremiah Chapter 29:11

This Blog borrows references from-

Click to access chapter6.pdf

Politics *A Thought*


Politics by definition is  “the art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political entity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs. It stems from the world politikos which is a Greek work that means of or  a pertaining to a city or citizens.

Much of the modern idea of politics was greatly shaped by Aristotle, namely, “Aristotle’s Political Theory.  Aristotle believed that citizens should have the right and ultimately the responsibility to exhibit laws for the good life of it’s citizens. Aristotle believed that every community is established for good because everyone does everything for their own  betterment. This stands to conclude that every community logically aims for the greater good of the community and in aiming for this good, it’s citizens will be the benefactors.  Of course this idea has broadened to reflect government on a state and federal level. However, the notion still remains in politics:

 “What is the good for the sake of the community?”

Miller, Fred, “Aristotle’s Political Theory”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <;.



Man was not made to be subservient.  Man was not made to be doormats, a peon, a servant of anything. Man was created to  rule creation, seen and unseen, angels, heavenly beings, earthly beings, become extra-terrestrial, an unobtainable force of supreme divine power.  This only takes place through the Power of GOD’s Holy Spirit., given to those who are obedient.



Every man and woman was made to lead in some capacity.  Our ability to lead is not based on our job, choice of career or position in society but our construct, being the offspring of the Creator and King of the Universe.

The Creator gave a command to his Creation that Man should have dominion over it. Man was blessed and then given the mandate to fill the Earth and subdue it.  Mankind is the main recipient of the awesome creation of GOD, The designated ruler of all creation, charged and given the authority over the works of GOD’s hands; Empowered by WORD and Will of GOD.

Man was not made to be subservient.  Man was not made to be doormats, a peon, a servant of anything. Man was created to  rule creation, seen and unseen, angels, heavenly beings, earthly beings, become extra-terrestrial, an unobtainable force of supreme divine power.  This only takes place through the Power of GOD’s Holy Spirit, given to those who are obedient.

Rarely are things that that GOD made for us are if ever handed to us. The first man Adam was placed in the garden but had to overcome the wiles of the Satan, serpent and protect his family from its influences also .  The Children of Israel were promised a land flowing with milk and honey but had to endure the great and terrible wilderness.

In the same connation, man’s dominion was predicated on man’s willingness and perseverance to subdue all that he encountered. Man, the pre-eminent overseer of GOD’s creation had a task to overcome every challenge that he faced.

 Planet Earth does not exist absent of daily challenges that seek to keep mankind from his ultimate goal of obtaining the dominion over GOD’s creation.  There is a force that we wrestle against daily; there are rulers, authorities, cosmic powers that govern the unseen and spiritual forces of the evil in the heavenly realm.

GOD has empowered us through his word and through his Holy Spirit that we can overcome the elements that seek to stop us from obtaining the character that is needed to inherit the Kingdom of GOD. However, daily we must be mindful to put on the Whole Armor of GOD that we may be able to stand against wiles of the mighty one of this Earth, Satan the Devil.

Every day, our steps have been designed for us to overcome and subdue anything that stands against us. There are experiences that we face that will bring about discouragement and attempt to refrain us from our ultimate goal and purpose, The Kingdom of our Eternal GOD that we were created to inherit.

We cannot allow discouragement to overtake us, when we see that our money or career is not taking off the way we wished for it to be. However, the dominion and authority we are to inherit is predicated by our business resume, our annual income, or status in society.

Everyman has a custom made path that we must travel and endure, so that when all is accomplished we have obtained the mind of Christ that will grant us the faith in victory to overcome the world.

Dominion is the result of a daily grind to stand against the adversity, weaknesses, sins, and   negative circumstances that will remove us from the hope of our calling. However, we have been given a charge to keep, and a GOD to glorify, and a crown to inherit. Let us subdue and take our dominion.

*scripture references*

Acts 17:29

Gen 1:26-28

Psalms chapters 8 and 37

Heb. chapters 1, 2

1st Tim 4:14

Eph. 3:20, 6:11,12

1st Cor. 1:18, 2:16, 15:40

Acts 5:32

Duet. 1:19, 13:5

1st John 5:4