When your appetite is gone

anorexiaI have a confession.

A hidden secret that I’ve been keeping in the dark.

Something I would never want to admit to any other Christian that I know because I am so ashamed of it.

Sometimes, I struggle with anorexia.

Life gets too busy and I lose my appetite to eat between all my running around from one place and one task to another.

Or I get lazy and don’t want to spend time preparing a healthy meal so I just skip a meal. Or two. Or three.

And other times I have a delicious meal sitting right in front of me just calling my name. But I have no desire to take a single bite no matter how tasty it looks.

Sometimes, I just don’t want to eat.

It’s been a struggle I’ve had for years since I was still a little girl.

Sometimes I overcome it, sometimes I…

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“Life will still bring about turns but we can learn from it.” – The Testimony of Antoinnette Tuff

While staring death in the face, Tuff calmly spoke to the young man who was armed with massive artillery. The young man was convinced that his life was over and spoke to him about her own experience. When asked, Ms Tuff said that she just spoke to him about her experiences on last year. She told him that her husband left her, that her son also suffered from disabilities and that she too at one point felt that her life was over and that no one loved her. Tuff told the gunman that she was able to turn her life around. She was able to keep working, go to church, and now she is getting ready to start her own business. Tuff told the young man that ”Life will still bring about turns but we can learn from it.”

via "Life will still bring about turns but we can learn from it." – The Testimony of Antoinnette Tuff.

“Life will still bring about turns but we can learn from it.” – The Testimony of Antoinnette Tuff


On Tuesday an armed 20-year-old gunman came into the  Discovery Learning Academy in Decatur, Georgia on a mass murder and suicide mission.  According to reports the young man, mentally disabled, void of his prescribed medication and depressed made up in his mind that this day would be the day he would die and take others with him.

When he walked into the office he ran into a bookkeeper by the name of Antoinette Tuff.  A black woman whose recently went through a divorce and was now a single mother with a disabled son and a daughter in college.

The gunman told Tuff to go on the intercom and tell everyone to lock the windows and call the news stations so that he could shoot off on responding police officers, then commit suicide.

While staring death in the face, Tuff calmly spoke to the young man who was armed with massive artillery. The young man was convinced that his life was over and spoke to him about her own experience. When asked, Ms Tuff said that she just spoke to him about her experiences on last year. She told him that her husband left her, that her son also suffered from disabilities and that she too at one point felt that her life was over and that no one loved her.  Tuff told the gunman that she was able to turn her life around. She was able to keep working, go to church, and now she is getting ready to start her own business. Tuff told the young man that “Life will still bring about turns but we can learn from it.”

After listening to the Tuff, the gunman eventually put the gun down and surrendered himself to the police.  No one was shot or even hurt.

It’s written in Jude 1:22 “And some have compassion, making a difference and others save with fear,”

I’m sure that Antoinette Tuff could’ve never imagined that while she was going through her trials that her experiences would eventually save the lives of hundreds of children and police officers.

It is difficult our lowest times to ever think we could come out of bad scenarios in our lives. If we can somehow arm ourselves with hope, allow our experiences not to make us bitter but better, and keep compassion in our hearts, our experiences can not only be life changing but life saving.

It is written

“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2nd Cor. 4:17

This article references-

Interview with Antoinett Tuff

Motivation is a Choice


The Offspring of the Almighty GOD whose name is YAHWEH made us to be his offspring. Man was created in his image and likeness.  All other creation is subject to instinct and the specificity of instruction.  Animals are limited in thought and knowledge, angels who we often envy, are constricted by instruction to assist us, the fellow heirs of GOD’s Kingdom and if they go outside of that will they are relegated to outer darkness and chains.

Mankind, however is different. We have been selected above all creation to receive the inspiration of the Almighty that allows us to imagine, calculate, observe intelligently and think. Think for the purpose of making decisions. There is a word ra’ah in Hebrew that means to see, perceive, have a vision, regard, observe, consider, distinguish. This is the action that scriptures state should be done in the day adversity.

Motivation is not for times that you are happy or joyful. Motivation is needed for dark days. Days that you are feeling down and uninspired. The human spirit has been empowered to strengthen itself through the conscious application of will and determination.

Motivation by definition is the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. It is the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.

Life in all it’s splendor presents times that we are often sad, lonely at times without money full of worry, frustration, anxiety and disarray. It is at those times when you have to rehearse the reason for your existence. A man’s life does not consist in material possession. No material item brought you into your existence. Your life was not financed or put on lay away. No material item set up your life therefore it should not the defining factor of your determination and motivation.

You are stronger, more focused when you are motivated. GOD had a reason for creating and you are stronger when you are compelled by his reasoning and purpose for you. Motivation pushes you, strengthens you. You must choose to be motivated. Because GOD has created man for the purpose of becoming Kings and rulers in his government nothing on planet earth has the power to be a deterrent to our ultimate destiny.

Our choice to be motivated must be concrete, solid. When we choose the factors of our motivation it will instill in our minds a will that can overcome any adversity; granting us the power to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in GOD’s work, with the understanding that our work is not in vain but is full of purpose and power.

*scripture reference*
Hebrews 2:4
1st Peter 1:12
2nd Peter 2:4
Psalms 8
Job 33:4
Ecc 7:23
Luke 12:15
Gen 1:26
Romans 8:28
Rev 5:10
1st Cor 15:58

Experience and Hope


What would life be like if we never experienced anything negative.  What would we have learned? How intelligent would we be? How in touch would we be with our emotions? What if we never had to work for anything, if we were never rewarded?  What if we would have never cried or felt lonely?  What if we could have dictated our own circumstances, chosen our parents, the place we grew up, who are friends and associates were or the weather patterns?

Our lives are positioned so that we can acquire the character that will position us for greatness in GOD’s master plan. The strategic planning of GOD that was foreordained before the foundation of the WORLD is not always pleasant nor is it always fun, it is however for our betterment.

What we have to do is trust the process. Faith is not just believing believing GOD will wait on us like a butler or a made to order blessing maker. Faith is believing that GOD is in full control of every aspect of our lives and has our destiny preserved for us. There are good things reserved for us in the Kingdom of GOD. According to the Apostle Jude, we are “sanctified and preserved,” meaning that we are set aside and we are protected for a use far beyond our wildest imaginations. Our greatness is not contingent on what we can see with our eyes, hear or perceive with out minds. It’s is written

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard
and no one’s heart has imagined
all the things that God has prepared
for those who love him.” 1cor.2:9

*scripture references*
Romans 5
Jude 1:3
Hebrews 11:1-6
1st Peter 1:4

Take the Stand


Every day of our lives is full of purpose. There is nothing that we do that is futile, useless wasted. Our thoughts come before the presence of the Almighty GOD who seeks to perfect the things that concern us.

It is written that GOD has given us a “record,”   This word in Greek comes from the word “martus” where we get martyr from.  A martyr be definition is someone that is murdered for their beliefs.

However, death is not a testimony of your beliefs but LIFE is a testimony of your beliefs.  Your life is a testimony, it speaks, it makes a resounding sound when your mouth is closed.   The decisions that you make, the people that you are associated with, the things you do, the means by how you choose to express yourself, your behavior, how you respond to adversity and how you react in good times stands as a record to things that you believe.

What does your life say? What questions are your life answering, what message is your life sending?  Does your life encourage, does your life edify or will people look at your life as a testimony of how not to be? Does your life send out warning signs are does you life admonish those that you come in contact with?

We are living letters. Our lives are testimonies that when lived right are written with the Spirit of the Living GOD.

Let your record show, and take the stand to testify of what you assure to be true. Let life’s dictation to be that of strong beliefs and a determined will, not by your fears, failures or circumstances. Every Human being has been encoded with the DNA of GOD’s image created to dominate and overcome every aspect of your existence through the WILL AND POWER OF GOD!

Take the stand, be the exemplary figure for all Creation to admonish. Choose to obtain the character that displays the marks of the triumphant manifestation of GOD’s power.

*scripture reference*
Romans 8:28
Ps. 138:8
2nd Cor 3.3
I John 5:11

Uncle Donnie, D.C., The Church and the World.

Recently, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray rejected gospel artist Donnie McClurkin from  performing at  an event called the “Reflections on Peace: Gandhi to King” celebration.  The event was a commemorative concert to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.

Mayor Vincent  stated  “This was  an issue involving a potential controversy at an event that was going to focus on harmony and peace, and we just didn’t think that was appropriate for this event.”

Donnie McClurkin released a video stating that he felt like he was “bullied” and that the cancellation was a ” “disservice to the D.C. faith-based community.”

Since the passing of various State laws that allow same-sex marriages, many religious leaders have publicly denounced the practice of homosexuality both in the pulpit of their congregations and in public arenas and venues.

Donnie McClurkin, a self proclaimed “ex-gay” has been extremely vocal about homosexuality and has had alter calls for men and women to overcome the behavior that he has openly confessed to.  There are many who are condemning homosexuals to hell and are saying that A.I.D.S. is judgment against the practice, even though it is not exclusive to gay men and women. Many often point to scriptures like Romans chapter 1 verses 26-27 as they are 100 percent right in doing so, where the Apostle references homosexuality stating

“For this  cause GOD gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one with another; men with men working that which is unseemly.”

Many have taken this verse and have expressed it with such passion towards men and women who have chosen a lifestyle that is against what the scriptures speak against.

The WORD OF GOD is true, it is infallible, complete and whole. GOD’s word is not a buffet or a smorgasbord.  GOD’s word is not a menu that allows us to pick and choose what we can be vociferous about and what to be silent about.  The scripture states that there is “One YAHWEH, One Faith, and One Baptism (Eph 4:5)

So many  read Romans 1 verse but fail to mention verses 29-32 that mention “covetousness, maliciousness, envy, debate, proud, boasters, disobedient to parents and FORNICATORS!!!!” 

There are many that  are quick and adamant in expressing  anger and dissent against homosexuals but will allow men and women to continue practices of fornication throughout the churches and are admitted adulterers and adulteresses.

Donnie McClurkin has had a daughter without being married since he has been a Pastor. I’ve seen Donnie Macurkin in various venues and concerts but I’ve never seen him advocate or speak publicly against that type of  “lifestyle” with the same passion and anger concerning that portion of GOD’s word that speaks against those practices

If you are going to take a stance against one part take a stance against it all. Where was Donnie McClurkin when it came down to Eddie Long? Where is his fornication or adultery prayer line?  Stand for the totality of the WORD of GOD and not the portion that you feel strongly against.

I can’t say I blame Mayor Gray for his decision. Could it have been handled better? Yes. Do I blame him? No.  Believers have to learn to be mature about  the separation of “Church and State.”  If you want the State to get involved with religion, you are opening the door for the State to tax you, shut down your churches, and even  persecute you for your beliefs.

The Church is an exclusive fraternity, hand picked and selected by the foreknowledge of GOD to one day reign in his Eternal Kingdom.  Even though there are things that we don’t agree with or condone, it is not our job to cast judgement among those that do not  share our beliefs.  It is written that judgement “Must begin at the House of GOD.” (1st Peter 4:17). The House of GOD according to Timothy is the Church of the Living GOD. (1st Timothy 3:15)

There were  Christian believers in the book of Colossians that were observing the Sabbath, Festivals and Holy Days written in the scriptures. The Jews that did not believe in Christ were judging them form not performing many of the rabbinical Sabbath  traditions.  The Apostle quickly told them not to let any man judge the Church in our beliefs stating “don’t let anyone pass judgement on you in CONNECTION with eating and drinking or in regard to a Jewish festivals or New Moon or Sabbaths. These are a shadow of things that are coming but the body is  of the Messiah!”(Col.3:16)

The Fraternal Order of the church must be extremely judgmental concerning the church, seeing that one day we will be the functioning body that will be used to judge the world and Angels according to the gospel. Anyone within the gates of Israel were obligated to observe it’s guidelines, anyone outside was not.  Therefore, anyone who is not a confessing believer, not apart of the Church and it not showing any fruits of repentance does not warrant the Church’s judgment.

The Apostle states concerning fornicators – “For what business is it of mine to judge outsiders? Isn’t it those who apart of the [CHURCH]  that you should be judging? GOD will judge those who are outside.” (1st Cor.5:12-13 CJB)

Every citizen deserves rights of citizenship regardless of our convictions. Believers have a right to judge anyone that has committed to the gospel of salvation and repentance and hold them accountable for their actions.  Anyone  outside the Church whom GOD has not called at this time to his salvation are owed the grace of GOD, the good news about his kingdom and the right to make their decisions.

It is written to ” I counsel that petitions, prayers intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all human beings including kings and in all positions of prominence; so that WE may lead quiet and peaceful lives, being godly and upright in everything.” 1st Tim.2:1 (CJB)

Everyone has the right to choose their lives and the believers must pray for everyone and be an example and a living epistle of the unspeakable and glorious joy that resides in us. Men know who we are by our love, not our hate and anger.

Too many believers are looking for the world to support them, and make them relevant.  The Believer is in the World but not of it. We shouldn’t beg for the World to admonish us and then get mad when they stab us in the back they pat us on. IT’S THE WORLD! ALL THAT IS IN THE WORLD IS THE LUST OF THE EYE, THE LUST OF THE FLESH AND THE PRIDE OF LIVE!” 1st John 2:16 The world does not owe the church their honesty and integrity and  whining on social medias is not going to do anything to move them.  It is what it is.

Mayor Gray exercised his prerogative in making a decision that he felt was best for his community, not just one part of it but the whole of his community. The Church, has much more concerns than performances and concerts but to  understand the unity of the faith, the truth that is in the WORD OF GOD and hurling out  that gospel that can  transform our minds save us to the uttermost.

Elder Parker

This Article references Scriptures

1st Peter 1:8

1st Cor.6:13

John 15:19

1st Peter chapter 1.

Exodus 20

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