Chicago Hope

If our country can come to the rescue of nations that have a vested interest in our country, we should be able to come to the rescue of the citizens of our own. Instead of lobbying for gun laws and gun control, perhaps we should look towards laws that will further the economic development and education of our youth in our urban communities.

via Chicago Hope.

Chicago Hope

Over this past  weekend, close to 50 people were murdered in the city of Chicago. While the violence in places like Turkey, Syria, Ben Ghazi, Iran and Damascus has been dominating the headlines, the fatal cries of the young men and women of Chicago are ignored.

According to the New York Times, “From 2008 through 2012, nearly half of Chicago’s 2,389 homicide victims were killed before their 25th birthdays.”  There are no nuclear weapons being smuggled into Chicago.  Chicago is not having an election to elect a Prime Minister. Al-Qaeda does not reside in Austin County. Chicago is an American city where men and women migrated throughout this country’s history to  follow their dreams and pursue their happiness.

Why then is this city being ignored? Why is the nation just waiting for the young men and women to die out.  If someone goes to a mall or a school to open fire on innocent victims the nation will fly it’s flags at half staffed and our governments will scramble to find solutions as our networks show the pictures of the fallen victims, as it should. However, almost 50 people can die of gun wounds in a weekend and we continue to ignore the epidemic that is the violence in our inner cities?

According to statistics, the areas where the murder rates are largest show  that the victims are mainly low-income based, uneducated minorities. With facts such as this, our elected officials should be able to bring reasonable solutions to these very serious issues.

No one is saying that any solutions will take place overnight. However, each Presidential administration have developed long term goals and aid for  the reconstruction of countries like Iran and Afghanistan to build their nations after a war with tax payer funds. Why aren’t those funds put to use for the citizens of our own country?

The city of Chicago is a war zone where children are being killed daily. We cannot continue to ignore this problem.  We have Senators and Congressmen that makes laws to protect the assets of this country. What asset  is more valuable than a human life full of potential and hope for a brighter tomorrow?

If our country can come to the rescue of nations that have a vested interest in our country, we should be able to come to the rescue of the  citizens of our own.  Instead of lobbying for gun laws and  gun control, perhaps we should look towards laws that will further the economic development and education of our youth in our urban communities.

Chicago is a city that needs prayers but more important it needs leaders that will take action to save our children. With the Jesse Jackson Jr.’s and Rob Blagojevich scandals taking place we can see that the area is in dire need of leadership. Our Federal government moved swiftly to ensure that justice took place for the corruption in it’s municipal offices., why isn’t our federal government moving in to stop this epidemic?

Every child in this country deserves a chance. We understand that we have concerns with health care, increasing wealth disparity, high gas prices and party divides but no child  should be removed from the opportunity to walk to school and back in this country with a threat imposed on their lives.

Let’s keep Chicago in our prayers and if you can,  contact your Senator and Congressman to see if anything can be done to help the youth of Chicago continue to hope.




This writing cites statistics from the following article-

For We KNOW!

Many believers are under the impression that because you are believer that your life should not affected by the difficulties that are incorporated in this life.

Man was made in a body of flesh that needed to be sustained by the resources of this planet. Man needed water to eat, food to drink, air to breath, clothes and shelter.

Once Adam eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, it was told to Adam and Eve –

The ground is cursed on your account; you will work hard to eat from it as long as you live……You will eat bread by the sweat of your forehead till you return to the ground”
(Gen.3:17-19) Complete Jewish Bible


Every believer is subjugated to hope in the Kingdom OF GOD at the same time, every believer is subjugated to the daily activities that are required to live in this world in this age.

GOD allowed his sun and goodness to shine on the just and the unjust. Because of this, good things and bad things happen to both the just and the unjust.

Because you are a believer, you still will cry at funerals, possibly bury your loved ones some day. You will have toothaches and stomach aches. You might have to have surgeries or take medicine. Your marriage will not work just because you and your spouse believe in GOD. You still need to find a compatible mate that shares your same interest and goals concerning family and free time. You still have to work for provisions to be met for your family. You will have to pay bills, get a job or may need government assistance. You still ultimately must be a Stewart over your affairs. You will have to manage your finances in order to have good credit. You will have to be responsible. You will have to pay the IRS, pay tickets and fines for speeding. We are not absolved of life’s problems.

Believing in GOD, being a dedicated believer that prays, fast, reads your word and studies the scriptures does not absolve you from life’s problems.

The Creator uses life’s problems to help you to grow and acquire the character that will be accounted worthy to reign in his everlasting Kingdom that is to come.

A good man’s steps are ordered, strategically planned and predetermined so that we will grow into the Kings and Priest to be able make known the manifold wisdom of GOD.

Sin came into the world through Adam, his curse passed onto all of his offspring. If you are a man, it is written that your days are few and full of trouble. It is also written that the entire creation is waiting for the manifestation of your destiny.

There is no need to be sad about the daily grind but there is a need to be excited and motivated about the hope of the destiny that is being fulfilled in us every day of our lives. It is written –

“Furthermore, we know that GOD causes everything to work together for the good of those who love GOD and are called in accordance with his purpose, because those whom he knew in advance, he also determined in advance would be conformed to the pattern of his SON!”
ROMANS 8:28 Complete Jewish Bible

*Scripture References*

Romans 7:24
Psalms 145
Romans 8
Matt 5:45
2 Thess 3:10
Proverbs 21:5
Proverbs 10:4
Luke 16:9-11
Luke 20:35
Revelation 5:10
Romans 5:1-5
Psalms 37:23
Eph. 3:10,11
Job 14:1
Romans 8:28-30



Many people are under the notion that Faith is an unseen expectation from GOD that we rely on or believe with blinded eyes assuming that GOD will comply to our every wishes and needs.  The concept of Faith that many have likens The GOD of All Force, Matter and Energy to a Jeanie that appears out of a bottle and grants wishes to it’s servants that happened to pop up at the right place, at the right time. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is written that ” YAHWEH is a GOD of KNOWLEDGE and by him actions are weighted.” (1st Sam 2:3)  Faith is a belief based on knowledge, evidence, proof, accurate detailed information. (Strongs Gr 4102) Because you believe something will happen does not obligate GOD to defy his will to comply to your wishes.  All the beliefs concerning The Creator and his promises should be rooted and founded on his written word. 

Faith was not giving to any man or women to follow their dreams, pursue careers or follow their heart. The Faith of GOD is contrary to what we see. Faith means that you are persuaded, credited, convicted, consistent, reliable, consistent.  Faith was given so that we may obtain the victory to overcome this present evil age to obtain the richness of our inheritance that GOD has stored up for us.

You do not have the right to believe GOD outside of his word. GOD’s word is true, forever settled and cannot be voided. Therefore, your belief of him must be according to his word.

Therefore, if you do not know the WORD OF GOD, you do not have faith. You do not “step out on faith,” Faith is not a risk, it is not blind ambition, trusting GOD according to his written word is more concrete and sure than the ground you walk on. 

The WORD OF GOD was given to us to persuade us according to our daily walk of life so that we can obtain the victory that is needed to overcome every negative aspect of this present evil age. 

YAHSHUA (Christ, the Messiah) said that every day has evil in it. Every day we are obligated to overcome the evil that are in the days and overcome. The WORD OF GOD keeps us persuaded that GOD has stored up our destiny that awaits us to overcome.

Life compels us to know his word, without it we are destined to fail but faith is the victory to overcome this world, because we walk by FAITH AND NOT BY SIGHT!

*Scripture Reference*
1st Samuel 2:3
Hebrews chapter  11
2nd Cor.5:7
1st John 5:4
Matthew chapter 6

Romans 10:17