Thinking from the Word OF GOD!


The Hebrew word is Dawbar;  “Dawbar YAHWEH,” means the WORD OF YAHWEH. The first time this term is  mentioned is when the GOD of All Creation reaffirmed his promise to our father Abraham.  That word sustained his life to believe a promise that he will not see until the Kingdom of GOD is established on Planet Earth.

The New Testament often uses the word “Rhema,” as a spoken word.  Yet in John chapter 1, the word “LOGOS” is used.  Logos in Gr. terms means  *”the underlying point that makes sense or 
meaning behind everything else.”  Therefore  it is written  –

“In the beginning, there was the word [logos], and the word was with God, and the word 
was God” (John 1:1).

In the beginning, there was an underlying point that made sense and brought meaning to everything else and that is GOD. The logos  was  GOD, whose name is YAHWEH.

Every thought, expression, experience and understanding is rooted in the existence of GOD.  There are many things that we don’t know neither do we.  However, since the WORD of GOD is from the beginning and  was made  manifest to show us eternal life, it deals with the spirit of the mind. Our minds are extremely complicated. The mind is full of experiences, expectations and anxieties, at  the same time it is limited by the mandates of human nature and need.

Our bodies have to eat, sleep and receive some form of maintenance.  Because of this our lives are so fragile. The mind is so full of potential but our bodies are so temporary and limited.  

Every thought is birthed from the mind. Meaning it is birthed from experience or expectation. Our thoughts are based on what we have experienced or what hope to experience or what we do not want to experience.

This is why we have worries, frustrations or why we are secure and confident.  In our best stage we are vain.  Most of our thoughts are geared toward protecting, securing or improvement our vain temporary state.  This is why The Creator of all things knows that our thoughts are vain. Regardless of what we invent or create we in no way shape or form can create anything that will give us eternal life.

We were not created to be vain, nor to stay vain but  to hope in the Eternal Life that GOD promised us before the world began. His WORD has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness, the ability to become like he is. The Earth of itself provides food for us to eat, clothes for us to make and air for us to breathe.  

Many men who have not sought their Maker have taken upon themselves capitalize on GOD’s creation to better position their lives to obtain a false sense of security.  Powerful minds that were created to inspire us  to be like our Creator instead were used for ways to secure a vain existence that was already secured in GOD alone.  

No matter how good or bad life is, it is temporary.  Regardless of the many things man has invented to better his existence he could not invent anything to stop the end of his existence. 

The WORD OF YAHWEH who is GOD, gives the words of Eternal Life.  When you read his word it isn’t like reading a novel but it  holds the answer to every question that we have about the lives that we currently live.  His word has given all things that pertains to life and the life that is to come.  When GOD’s word is the focal point of your life it sparks intriguing thoughts about every fabric of our being.  The answer to every problem, every thought, every pain lies within the WORD OF GOD.  There is nothing new under the sun.  There are no new experiences that we invent, there are no new worries or frustrations that you will experience that GOD’s word will not give you the answer too. 

Let’s GOD’s word guide your existence and it will lead you to your ultimate destiny.

Scripture References
John 1:1

1st John 1:2

Psalms 94:11

Eccl. 7:29

Romans 8:19-21

Titus 1:2

2 Peter 1:3

John 6:68

Eccl 1:9



Fatherhood is about yielding to our Creator for guidance for our families to position our children to succeed. We cannot choose for our children, we cannot hide them from negative experiences or the pain that is in this age. We ensure that while that like our Father, we are committed to instruct them, guide them and protect them.

via Fatherhood.


To be a Father, it does not require a credit application or a test. There are no character assessments that are needed and you don’t have to qualify to bring a child into the world. The way our Creator designed us is that once we are at a certain age and we have a willing participant we can reproduce the image and likeness of GOD.

GOD never created man to be a man. He created man to be like GOD. He designed the woman to help the man, and in that they would be heirs together to his Kingdom according to the grace of life.

It is written that the way of a man is not in him, we don’t have within our selves to direct his steps. GOD never designed man to learn how to evolve, grow and develop without his supervision. Man didn’t need an instruction manual he had direct fellowship with his maker to learn while having the vast creation to experience.

The first man Adam, left his Father. GOD provided for him in every way. Adam didn’t have to earn credit to buy a house or a mortgage. Adam didn’t need a diploma or a college degree. GOD placed in the right position to succeed without alleviating Adam’s choices. Adam was given the choice to obey or not obey. GOD was the perfect Father. Adam however was not the perfect son.

Fatherhood is about yielding to our Creator for guidance for our families to position our children to succeed. We cannot choose for our children, we cannot hide them from negative experiences or the pain that is in this age. We ensure that while that like our Father, we are committed to instruct them, guide them and protect them.

It is written that “there is a way that seems right to a man but the end are the ways of death.” (Proverbs 14:12). If we had all the answers to every question as men, being a Father would be easy. As men, we are always trying to find our niche’. What works and what doesn’t based on our character, determination and circumstances. When we think we have it, we look to share the information for the preservation of our future generations in spite of our past mistakes. Regardless of what we teach our children about life, and love, and happiness nothing that we teach them about life will grant them the opportunity to reach the hope and destiny that they were created for if we are guiding our homes with the weak wisdom of selfish experiences. The only way to successfully guide our homes is to ensure that Christ is our head and that we are pursuing the crown that is laid up for us.

It takes Faith to provide for a family. The scriptures declare that if you do not you have denied the faith. To teach a young man or a young woman their hope, you will give them the proper perspective needed to overcome any negative experience that awaits them in this present evil age.

A good Father is not a rich father, a bad father is not a poor father. A good Father leaves for his children an inheritance according to the WORD OF GOD. The best inheritance that you can leave your children is the character that will allow them to inherit all things according to the WORD OF GOD.

What can we teach them? The faith of GOD that will allow them to acquire the victory. Faith will allow them to overcome in this life that is full of disappointments. It is “the victory that allows us to overcome is our faith.”
It is written “He that overcometh shall inherit ALL THINGS, and I will be his GOD and he shall by my son!” – Rev 21:7

Gen. 1:26-28,32:29

Gen. 3


Proverbs 14

1st Cor. 11

Proverbs 13:22

Revelations 3:21, 21:7

The Vision Statement

According to Business Dictionary.Com, a vision statement is defined as  “an aspirational description of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term, future. It is intended to serve as a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action.”

 No organization should start without a Vision Statement. It is a statement that must exemplify the purpose and aspiration of your organization. A mission statement shows what you are while a vision statement shows what you would like to do. Not every organization has a vision statement, just those that are forward thinkers.  An organization according to Business Dictionary an organization is defined as an administrative and functional structure.* The Kingdom of GOD is indeed an organization filled with power administered by The Most High, accompanied by an innumerable host that all work together to ensure that you receive the rightful position that you were created to obtain.

When GOD made man, he left a Vision Statement on record saying –

Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over ever creeping thing that creepeth upon earth.” Gen 1:26

The same way that every part of an organization is dedicated to the fulfillment of its mission statement, the Kingdom OF GOD through the strength and power of the Almighty is  dedicated to fulfill its vision to make man into the Image and Likeness of his make. Daily our experiences are strategically dictated by the Hand of the Almighty to build in us the character to become the Sons of GOD. Within our lives, there are dark days, sad days, bumps and bruises that often discourage us to believe things are not working out.

It is written

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called” Romans 8:28-30

Fulfillment of any vision demands that one stay focus on the end result and not the current circumstances. No one would look at an embryo and assume it would develop into a man or women but being we know the outcome, we can anticipate the joy of the delivery in spite of the labor pains. What we are right now is no indication of the greatness that we will become through the will of of our Creator who has subjected the hope of creation to wait for our manifestation. Life is subjugated to GOD’s vision to make us into the Image of his Son, who is the expressed image of the Almighty GOD.  Whatever we are experiencing is not to break us but to fortify us. Any vision without the statement of GOD’s vision is subject to failure.  Without it, we are guaranteed to perish.

We are the workmanship of GOD. No artist, builder, architect or visionary starts anything without the preconceived notion of the finished product. This is why we were foreknown, justified and predestined. Our failures, weaknesses and insufficient characteristics are apart of the formulating, shaping and molding in the hands of a wonderful potter. You are the recipient of a master plan taking place, the benefactor of the wonderful operation that is the hope of all Creation, the manifestation of the SONS OF GOD!

Every day we should hold fast to this vision and fixate our perspective on the purpose that we have been created for.  The GOD of Heaven and Earth who is YAHWEH is not into hobbies. He has a direct purpose for every individual.  Our experiences have been ordered for us to develop the characteristics suitable for the position of destiny that we have been created for.
It is written

Beloved, now we are the children of GO, and it has not appeared as yet what wewill be. We know that when he appears we shall be like him!” 1st John 3:2

*Scripture References*

  • Gen.1:26
  • Rom.14:17
  • 1st Chronicles 29:11-12
  • Heb. 12:22
  • Romans 8:28-31
  • Psalms 8 4:9
  • Hebrews 1:14
  • Gal 4:19
  • Heb 1:3
  • Col 1:5
  • Eph. 2:10
  • Proverbs 29:18
  • Zech 4:10
  • Jer. 18:1-10




Time to Shine

Darkness is an intriguing scenario.  It is one of the first things that the Bible associates with Creation before GOD interjected his will by commanding the light to shine out of it. Darkness is the absence of light. It also implies uncertainty, insecurity, fear, and desolation.  Darkness hides direction. It hides the good and the evil. Darkness is the equilibrium of creation.  No one has an advantage in darkness. Qualities, characteristics and details are hidden in the darkness. Boundaries are concealed in a dark room, you don’t know your limitations or your ability to expand.

Our hearts are indeed dark. GOD never made our hearts to be enlightened from within, without the inspiration of the Almighty GOD and the hope of his eternal purpose.  YAHSHUA, (Christ, the Messiah) stated that if the ” eye is single, the whole body is shall be full of light, but if the eye  be evil, the light that is thee be darkness, how great is that darkness.” Matt 6:22-23. Other translations denote that this statement is a comparison between  generosity and selfishness.  In essence,  an evil eye is a selfish eye.  Why? Because light is made to enhance, to assist. It gives vision. Light does not ask for anything however  it makes changes everything that it is around.  Darkness encloses, it engulfs, it causes one to stumble because they cannot see what is in front of them, on the side of them nor in the back of them.

The light that shines in our heart is the glorious Gospel.  The Gospel is more than Christ’s death and resurrection. The Gospel is the message that Christ preached, The hope and anticipation of the Kingdom of GOD! (MARK  1:15)

Man’s destiny and purpose is reached with the confines of GOD’s Kingdom.  We understand our existence through the gospel. We were created to have a reigning position in GOD’s realm of POWER. This hope enlightens our existence.

The world is void of this knowledge so it dwells in darkness. When Creation came to be, GOD whose name is YAHWEH never removed darkness totally from planet Earth, neither did he remove light totally from Planet Earth. He compartmentalized and limited the dominance of each based on the time of day.

It is written –

“And GOD made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night….to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness:” Gen 1:15-16

As long as we are in this world, at this time we are overcome with darkness.  When Christ, YAHSHUA said if thine” eye be evil this word evil  means pressed, hard, full of labor, annoyances, hardships, toils.”

It is through the Apostle, that we understand that the scriptures when speaking of “eye” is speaking of our ability to discern through our minds. The Apostle terms it the “eyes of our UNDERSTANDING” (Eph. 1:18). He later mentions “having your understanding darkened.” Eph 4:18

What we understand determines the light that is within us.  This world is void of understanding according to Romans 3:11. Because the understanding of the world is void of light, everything in the world is hard, toiling , full of labor, and annoying.  The darkness of the world can be overwhelming, frustrating, burdensome, tiring.  The darkness within us can be just as frustrating. When we tend to look at our insecurities, our failures in life, our negative traits, the attributes and characteristics that we have inherited from our parents it could be very discouraging. GOD however, has allowed the light of his will to shine out of the darkness that is in our heart through the hope of the gospel.

The Gospel isn’t some trendy message quickly written on a brochure. It is the power of GOD unto salvation and the mission statement of  Creation. We were born to rule, rule like GOD and reign in righteousness over all creation.  Everyday if we do not rehearse the hope of our calling to enlighten our daily activities we will act upon the darkness that is in our hearts.

It is written that” GOD has given light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace.” Luke 1:78

Our lives when fixated to our hope will radiate whatever environment  we choose to place our feet.  Our mouths do not express our destiny,  our lives do. Our behavior, our smile and strength through adversity is what causes us to shine as bright lights in a dark world.

If you allow the hope that was manifested in you before the World existed, to lodge in the forefront of your mind, your life will radiate causing many to come to the understanding of their purpose and the knowledge of their existence.

It’s is time for us to shine! To show forth the best of who we are and what we are because the purpose that has been instilled in us.

*Scripture References *

2nd Cor.4

Matt 6:22-25

Romans 1:16

Gen. 32:28

Phil. 2:15


Life is the impartation of GOD’s purpose into his creation. Life was not given to us to be irresponsible, care-free, ignorant or vain.  Life is not a party, a beach or a burden. Life is the platform of destiny. The Creator of all could have made us instinctive creatures like animals so that we can perform his bidding without choice but he did not.

via Life.


Life is the impartation of GOD’s purpose into his creation. Life was not given to us to be irresponsible, care-free, ignorant or vain.  Life is not a party, a beach or a burden. Life is the platform of destiny. The Creator of all could have made us instinctive creatures like animals so that we can perform his bidding without choice but he did not.  

Our Creator strategically positioned us to  live life, gain incite, knowledge and understanding through the guidance of his Holy Spirit and our daily experiences.

Nothing we live do or say is vain. Every day is filled with hope. The hope of the glory of obtaining the likeness of him who created us.  Nothing we experience is useless.  Every problem that we face isn’t for our demise but it is for our destiny.

Those who are  the “Called” according to GOD’s purpose are put in a position pre-determined position to obtain the characteristics become a SON OF GOD.  Our parents, our environment, our family members are not coincidental.  The times that we were born and the places that we live are no accident.  Where we work, what we have experienced and what we will experience is no accident. 

The only thing that has yet to be determined are our choices. Destiny is determined by the choices that we make. Our ultimate destiny is not contingent upon our parents, our career or our finances.  Ultimately your greatness will be determined by what you decide.  This is what separates us from all creation. The Image and Likeness of GOD has been granted  the ability to choose their ultimate destiny.  

Life therefore, is the canvas of Creation, we start out as babes and then every day we develop the mind and character that will ultimately make us Kings.

Every day we must  live with the understand of the  purpose for our existence. If we fail to learn, teach or develop we are wasting the time we have been given and the breath that GOD has imparted to us to take part in his divine nature.

When you live a life according to GOD’s purpose, failure does not exist in your vocabulary. Bankruptcies, lay-offs, failed relationships, poverty, heartache, sicknesses and disappointments are not given to us to leave us in despair. Our steps are ordered so that  our experiences will increase our faith, fortitude and wisdom concerning the unseen purpose that GOD has created us for. 

So live life and understand why you are alive.  Understand why you exist and what you were created for.  Don’t let your current condition make you discouraged, let it make you determined.  The Holy Spirit that enters your life is creating in us the mind and character that will ultimately exceed far and above what we can ever ask for  or even think!

*Scripture References*
Romans 5:2-5
Col. 1:27
Phil 3:21
Rom. 8:28-31
2 Peter 1:4
Jer. 29:11
Eph. 3:20
2nd Cor 4:18