Creation’s Motivation

There have been studies to show that our moods are effected by the weather patterns.*  There is something about a sunny day outside that makes us feel alive, vibrant and invigorated.  The sun is a big fireball of energy that provides energy for the Earth to grow and operate.

The Creator of all the Universe, The GOD of Hope whose name is YAHWEH created the land to provide sustenance for our mortal bodies to live from day to day.  Good weather is indicative of a harvest.  A time to plant, grow and receive.  A time to be productive, a time to get busy!

The GOD of all force, matter and energy could have very well made everything  to grow in winter where every day we would have to go out in the cold and grow our food as well as reap the harvest in cold agonizing  weather . No, he in all his wisdom allowed the sun the shine and the elements to compliment the need for our growth and development.

Once  the warm spring sun hits, it has a way of revitalizing us and motivating us. We want to go out,  hit the basketball court, the baseball field, pull out the grill, have a family reunion, wave at our neighbors or sit in the yard.  The weather has a way of expanding our comfort zone because the larger base of our habitat is more comfortable.

It is written that the “Heavens declare the glory of GOD; and the dome of the sky speaks the work of his hands. Every day it utters speech and every night it reveals knowledge. ” Psalms 19:1 (Complete Jewish Bible)

GOD has a way of invigorating us through his creation, making us feel alive and inspiring us to get busy in pursuit of destiny, calling and purpose.

 Our Father Abraham was advised to look at the stars and the sea to be inspired about the promises of GOD.  YAHWEH, the true and living GOD calls the stars by name and allows them to brighten up our nights. Angels are also compared to stars OF GOD.

Every day creation inspires up. Springtime is harvest time. A time that we need use the energy and inspiration that we have through GOD’s creation to be motivated, be creative, discuss ideas and strategies, make things happen, pursue the greatness that was instilled in the DNA of GOD’s Image.  Embrace the environment that GOD has allowed to spring forth and enrich your day!

It is written  “The creation waits eagerly for the sons of God to be revealed;  for the creation was made subject to frustration — not willingly, but because of the one who subjected it. But it was given a reliable hope that it too would be set free from its bondage to decay and would enjoy the freedom accompanying the glory that God’s children will have. We know that until now, the whole creation has been groaning as with the pains of childbirth; and not only it, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we continue waiting eagerly to be made sons — that is, to have our whole bodies redeemed and set free.  It was in this hope that we were saved. ”  Romans 8:19-24 Complete Jewish Bible

*Scripture reference*
Romans 15:13
Isaiah 42:8
Psalms 145
Psalms 147
Genesis 15:5
Job 38

This Blog cites studies based from the work the Dr. John M Grohol PSYD

The Need for Daily Motivation

Every day is filled with challenges. Every day is filled with opportunities. Every day is filled with potential. There is potential for success just like there is potential for disappointment.

We have no idea what the day will bring us or where it will take us.  We don’t know if our day will be filled with tragedy or triumph, victory or defeat, sorrow or success. Every morning is a door that we must walk through to travel to our destiny.

It is written that the “Steps of a good man are ordered.” Ordered by GOD,  whose name is YAHWEH. Through these steps we learn through many different experiences how to obtain the character to reach the ultimate potential of our purpose. 

Everything we will experience today has a purpose.  Nothing is wasteful. Nothing you learn, see, or hear will be useless.  Every tear that you cry will be bottled up, every hurt will grant you the experience to be stronger. Every smile will give you strength. It is written 
Romans 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

You might not like your job, you might be lonely today or maybe you are not happy with your environment.  Maybe you have to go and apply for unemployment or social services. Perhaps you have to attend the funeral of a loved one, maybe you have to  appear in court. You must believe with all your heart that all things work together for the good of the Called according to his purpose.

*Psalms 58:6
*Psalms 37:23

Made to Lead

What makes a leader? Is it crowds, motivational speeches, loud applause, managerial positions, yearly promotions, executive offices? No. The power of leadership is not relegated to corporate board rooms, political arenas or sports teams.

As the image and likeness of GOD, we were created to lead. Adam was given a charge to take dominion over the works of GOD’s creations before any other human being ever occupied GOD’s creation. Adam was not voted in, he did not campaign for his office, and neither did he give his resume. He was a normal human being like you and I.

Adam had to ensure he was aware of his environment, his limitations, his family and the dangers of failure of making unwise decisions. He had to receive and obey instruction and govern his life according to the instructions that he received from the Almighty King and Creator of the Universe.

Adam’s decisions in result affected everything around him. Did he consider his position, his power or his influence? Did he take into account everyone that would be affected by his decisions?

How often do we? As the Image and Likeness of GOD, our power of choice is unlike any of GOD’s creation. No angel caused sin to enter in the world but it was a man. (Rom 5:12).

The power to choose is a power like no other. It is not magic; making decisions does not require super-natural powers. It takes the comprehensive application of your mind to be guided by a vision and purpose greater than yourself.

When we tap into the power that was given to us by our Creator, we position ourselves to greatly influence his creation. Every man, as the offspring of GOD was created to-

Have Dominion (Gen 1:26)

Inherit a Kingdom appointed to us (1st Cor.15:51)

Judge the world (1st Cor 6:2)

Judge Angels (1st Cor 6:3)

Inherit a throne (Rev 3:21)

Rule and Govern (Luke 19:17)

Rule our Thoughts (Phil 4:8, 1st Peter 1:13)

Rule our bodies (1st Cor 9:27)

Obtain a Crown (2 Tim. 4:8, James 1:12)

Rule like GOD! (Gen :32:28)

The power to make decisions is the power to lead. As the Offspring of GOD, every decision, every choice has the potential to have lasting and powerful affects. To be aware of your humanity is to be aware of your divinity. We are leaders. Regardless of your position in life or your job, we were created for a purpose much larger than our current state.


Life is the importation of GOD’s purpose into his creation. Life was not given to us to be irresponsible, care-free, ignorant or vain.  Life is not a party, a beach or a burden. Life is the platform of destiny. The Creator of all could have made us instinctive creatures like animals so that we can perform his bidding without choice but he did not.  

Our Creator strategically positioned us to  live life, gain incite, knowledge and understanding through the guidance of his Holy Spirit and our daily experiences.

Nothing we live do or say is vain. Every day is filled with hope. The hope of the glory of obtaining the likeness of him who created us.  Nothing we experience is useless.  Every problem that we face isn’t for our demise but it is for our destiny.

Those who are  the “Called” according to GOD’s purpose are put in a position pre-determined position to obtain the characteristics become a SON OF GOD.  Our parents, our environment, our family members are not coincidental.  The times that we were born and the places that we live are no accident.  Where we work, what we have experienced and what we will experience is no accident. 

The only thing that has yet to be determined are our choices. Destiny is determined by the choices that we make. Our ultimate destiny is not contingent upon our parents, our career or our finances.  Ultimately your greatness will be determined by what you decide.  This is what separates us from all creation. The Image and Likeness of GOD has been granted  the ability to choose their ultimate destiny.  

Life therefore, is the canvas of Creation, we start out as babes and then every day we develop the mind and character that will ultimately make us Kings.

Every day we must  live with the understand of the  purpose for our existence. If we fail to learn, teach or develop we are wasting the time we have been given and the breath that GOD has imparted to us to take part in his divine nature.

When you live a life according to GOD’s purpose, failure does not exist in your vocabulary. Bankruptcies, lay-offs, failed relationships, poverty, heartache, sicknesses and disappointments are not given to us to leave us in despair. Our steps are ordered so that  our experiences will increase our faith, fortitude and wisdom concerning the unseen purpose that GOD has created us for. 

So live life and understand why you are alive.  Understand why you exist and what you were created for.  Don’t let your current condition make you discouraged, let it make you determined.  The Holy Spirit that enters your life is creating in us the mind and character that will ultimately exceed far and above what we can ever ask for  or even think!

*Scripture References*
Romans 5:2-5
Col. 1:27
Phil 3:21
Rom. 8:28-31
2 Peter 1:4
Jer. 29:11
Eph. 3:20
2nd Cor 4:18

Life Has Purpose

Life is no accident.  Life in and of 
itself cannot be created. It is shaped by the actions of 2 people created in the 
image and likeness of GOD. Regardless of the circumstances behind their birth, 
or the intention of conception, life itself is bound by the creation of life.  A 
life just doesn ’t just happen. No one is alive by  wishful thinking. It is a deep process involving the functioning of various 

Life has a purpose. Creation did not just happen.  The environment created around us reflects an environment that was custom made for  our existence.  The air we breathe, the food we eat; everything that we have is  designed for us to live, move and have our being. Therefore, if everything  around us is purposed to serve us and to ensure the provisions of our existence,  what is our purpose?  Why are we here? 

There is a purpose to our existence. If everything was  created for us, what were we created for? We are the image and likeness of The 
Almighty Creator. His supreme knowledge, intellect and innovation brought about 
our existence and the creation that surrounds us.  

The Creator of all the universe is not idle. His 
creation, even now, continues to expand and evolve.  Are we not to do the same? 
We are not born as  babes to know why we are here but we are to understand 
through experiences and enlightenment. Both are brought about by GOD. It is 
written – 

“He has made everything suited to 
its time; also, he has given human beings an awareness of eternity; but in such 
a way that they can’t fully comprehend, from beginning to end, the things 
GOD does.” Ecc 3:11 CJB 

Our purpose is rooted in Eternity. Right now we are 
temporary, we are mortal beings obligated to die, aging every day. We are flesh 
and blood. We hurt, we bleed, we smell when we don’t wash. We cry and laugh, we are 
fearfully and wonderfully made. We are so complex in thought and behavior but so 
simple in our make up and existence.  Why?

The GOD of Heaven and Earth is not into Hobbies, we are not his entertainment; we are not a formula that went bad. We are his 
offspring , his workmanship, created after him.  His Kingdom is not a museum to 
display work of art but it is a place of purpose. 

My Brother and my  Sister, there is a purpose for your 
existence, there is a reason you are alive and made in the Image and Likeness of 

Gen. 1:26-29, Acts 17:28, Ecc.3:11